Readers Comments
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: What a great thing to do! It is often forgotten the many sacrifices that our veterans have made for us. I will follow your lead!
brighteyes wrote: KennedyJet...I loved the openess and spontanity in your RAOK! ;) Brighteyes
AURELIA wrote: Kenneyjet, What a special thing to do. I have often seen the Veterans license and didn't know what to say...NOW I DO, I also see service people in the grocery store and wonder why they are dressed in uniform at the store where there are no army barracks around???I want to say something nice to them too and feel a little funny about what to say. NOW I KNOW to just SAY THANK YOU and SMILE :) Thanks for the inspiration. ~Aurelia
bhappy wrote: God Bless You Kenneyjet for remembering those everyone seems to forget.
pebbles wrote: My husband is retired Air Force and I know that moments like that make what they do so worth it. That man will remember that thank you for the rest of his life. Pebbles
warmth wrote: That is really thoughtful of you. He must be happy to receive compliments after so many years. Thank you for doing such a noble thing.
Lovebug wrote: I can remember many years a go visiting the first vietnaum memorial, I was unprepaired for that experience, shear amount of names each spilling his blood, it was overwellming, still is. My prayer is that you who are young will show us the way of peace. I Am old and tired of the sheding of blood, which makes it necessary to build the memorials we find necessary to build, I Am praying for your generation, we old people never did learn, hope your generation does