Stories of Kindness from Around the World

The Waffle House Waitress

--by Paul, posted Jun 19, 2007
I was recently traveling with a friend when we decided to get something to eat. Being a huge Waffle House fan, we scouted out the area we were in, and found one.

If you have never been in one, or have never heard of it, Waffle House is kinda like a chain of diners that serve the best waffles around! They won't be found at the top of any Zagat's list of Fine dining, but they are my favorite!

Our waitress took a while to take our order, asking the same questions a few times. We made a few substitutions and "complicated" the order, but she wrote it all down.

When the orders came, they were not right. When the bill came, it was not right either. The only thing that was right was the taste of the food and the smile of the waitress. She may not have been good at her job, but she was personable and caring.

My friend went up to pay the bill and I left a tip at the table. I normally will leave a 20% tip (and I always round up), but in this case, the tip was more like 30 or 40%.

The look on my friend's face was priceless! He was so surprised that I would leave such a large tip after all the wrong things that happened. To me, it was a no brainer - I said to him, "Who will that 10 dollars help more? Me or her? And with that, I left before she even knew what was left for her.
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Readers Comments

sunitha wrote: Nice One.
JuneBug wrote: I myself have been a waitress. I had my share of bad days trying to bring up 5 kids on my own. Alot of times my mind would be on them and my other job ahead of me.People like you make it worthwhile...
snowflake66 wrote: Good for you! I've actually done the same thing so it's wonderful to see I am not alone!
Siobhan wrote: I have to say this story has made me feel bad. I need to be a bit more understanding. Thank you for what you have given me
speedi wrote: what an awesome thing you did,,maybe she really is a very good waitress and for personal reasons was having an off day,,you showed her people still care.
God Bless
adityap1984 wrote: u hav a gud understanding nice...:)
imaniceperson wrote: Nicely done. I'm also a Waffle House fan. I'm sure it made her day. I imagine it spilled over to the rest of her customers that day as well. Good job.
joe wrote: Your story reminds me: it's not what we take in life, but more what we leave behind.
hurricane wrote: As a former waitress, I do not tip bad service, wrong orders or incorrect totals on my bill. Your story has changed my attitude and I am humbled. Thank you for your insight and your kindness. Keep it going!

hurricane =O)
alyssafree wrote: Good job! I think that story is awesome and completley true. Way to stay positive!!

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