Stories of Kindness from Around the World

What Goes Around Comes Around?

--by brighteyes, posted Jun 16, 2007

I was a Kindness/ Karma Recipient this weekend and wanted to share my story with you all.

I went to the grocery store to pick up some essentials....I had placed my purse in the baby carry-on chair and had turned my back to add some loose spinach into a bag for supper. The cart was right next to me one minute then gone the then!

At first, I did not panic....thinking that someone had taken my cart  instead of theirs by mistake....

As I looked around, I did not see an abandoned cart  nor mine...I searched the fruit and veggie area, and every cart but with no luck, no purse!  I ran to look out of the store but saw no one heart started pounding as I realized that someone may have taken my purse ...I just couldn't quite believe this...

I grabbed a clerk  explaining what happened..he ran to get the manager....she listened carefully and told me she would go into her office and check the camera to see what happened  on the video and  call the police, if need be.

I was panting by then and holding my chest... I told them I was  going to check on my purse had my keys, license, all identification, etc and I did not want it stolen was well....meanwhile, the clerk said he'd check carts, the manager ran to her office at the front of the store...

An older couple had just parked and were walking  into the store....the woman stopped, asked if I was OK....I said "No, between pants, asking if she had a cell phone. Could she call my husband to come down immediately as I thought my purse had just been stolen from my grocery cart... I gave her the number, she dialed and left an urgent message.

We walked into the store and I was thanking her...she said she and her husband would wait with me til he arrived...I was praying asking for assistance.

All of a sudden, in a flash I got a premonition- my purse was NOT stolen but taken by accident  by a woman and I needed to get to the meat section.....find the cart and my purse! I left the couple running to the back fo the store even as the store manager was calling, "Ma'am, Ma'am". The older couple following me as well.

The third cart I checked had my purse in it!!! The cart was full of her groceries....I could not believe she had been adding items and not noticed she had the WRONG cart and purse....I said, "Excuse Ma'am , are you aware you have taken my cart / purse by accident?"  I did not snap at her nor express any anger....She stopped and looked at me surprised but did not offer an apology.

I grabbed my purse and put it on my shoulder immediately relieved that it was found...silently thanking God!

The woman who took my cart did not say anything, just stood there...she then asked where her purse / cart were.....the manager stepped forward stating  they were up by her office. We all trooped up there and I began helping place her groceries in her cart. I noticed her purse was huge and light colored when mine was small and dark, brown leather...not similiar at all...I did not yell or get angry with her...I was just so glad to have my purse back and wished her a nice day.

The manager told me she had seen the woman in the camera video take my cart ...she had her face stilled in the video and was going to look for her in the store when I ran back in and down to the meat section.

While we were talking the couple , hit redial and left another message with my husband that I was OK and my purse found.

By this time, my husband had arrived and found us...I thanked the clerk, the manager and the couple again and again. She then explained she worked for a hospital , was concerned I was going to pass out since I had been panting  and that they had stayed with me til then to make sure I did not need additional help. I was so touched by this....

There were many "Grocery Store Angels" that day and I thank God and my luck stars for all of them...I guess what comes around goes around and that's why my purse was returned. (good Karma and Kindness in my Life Bank).

It was a surprise to be on the receiving end from the kindness of strangers...and I learned first hand that strangers are just friends we've not been introduced to yet....

I continued talking to the couple throughout the stores as I finished shopping...I had the presence of mind to pull out a smile card writing a big "Thank-you" on it and passing it to the woman, giving her a huge bear hug and kiss on the cheek.  She read it and laughed . I explained about the website , our group and our mission. She smiled and said to me,  "This is so wonderful!  Keep up your acts of Kindness".  I assured her I would and told her I would never forget her kindness and assistance and would "pay it forward".

Please make sure you keep your purse with you so this does not happen to you ..I learned my lesson the hard way.

Smiling and oh, so VERY GRATEFUL!!!  Brighteyes


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Readers Comments

ADEMI wrote: Wow! what an incident, than God for His mercies and the angels He granted at your disposal.

And good enough you have your smile card with you as you well utilized it.
AURELIA wrote: Brighteyes! So Glad you didn't totally lose control over the situation. I'm glad you got your head clear enough to see where your purse was. Goodness follows goodness...You are Good, that's for sure. ;) Wink ha ha ha ~Aurelia
pebbles wrote: In all of that stress and anxiety God definately blessed you. I am so glad things turned out ok. Pebbles
Babygirl wrote: Now that was truly amazing, I don't know what I would have done if I was in the same perdicament, but if it should ever happen and God willing it doesn't I hope I too will find some grocery store angels to help me through.
Babygirl wrote: Now that was truly amazing, I don't know what I would have done if I was in the same perdicament, but if it should ever happen and God willing it doesn't I hope I too will find some grocery store angels to help me through.

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