Readers Comments
AURELIA wrote: Integrity,That's too bad :( Try again tomorrow. Be persistent, it'll pay off. Smile ~Aurelia
brighteyes wrote: Integrity...I agree with Aurelia & you...try again tomorrow ...maybe a different toll does look like she needs a smile card and some uplifting too (how about a cup of coffee/tea?) Brighteyes ;)
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: I agree with Brighteyes, don't give up! If you try each time you see the toll person, they may say no every day but they will also begin to smile and laugh when you keep asking them! I've done that before and about the 3rd and 4th they smile and right there you have succeeded!
integrity wrote: You folks are awesome. I will keep on trying. Maybe she needed a smile and I was supposed to be there to give her one. Heck maybe she smiled after I left. Anyhow, thanks for the incouraging posts. It really helps.
Lovebug wrote: Integrity. It means, wholeness, soundness, uprightness, honesty, sounds like you know how to spell your name. Keep at it, smiles are contageous, I have been blessed to see many smiles, from the sternist faces. Only a brief moment, but I do see the smile, when they forget to frown.
Kat wrote: Wow! That really is too bad! But I agree! Persistence may break her! I have had toll booth workers hesitate when I ask them to pass it to the car behind me, but I have never had one refuse! That's craziness!