Readers Comments
ieiblue wrote: amen to that!!! :p obedience is the key... :p
brighteyes wrote: LOVE reading these type of inspiring we help one another, we are helped and visa versa....I love that you have some much faith & courage in God & the Universe to share even when you were so low on funds. DOUBLE Kudo's! Brigheyes ;)
bhappy wrote: We do have an awesome God and he is always faithful...
FREEhugsROCK wrote: what a great story! thanks for brightening up my day :-]
Babygirl wrote: This is the great connection we all share if we are only willing to listen, sometimes it's hard but it's always worth it. There's always a greater reason even if we don't see it.
AURELIA wrote: So nice to hear that you had total faith that you'd be able to provide for your children and you helped someone in need. Your trust has shown us that we need to do what feels right in our heart, that God is whispering in our ear to be compassionate. Give with one hand and recieve with the can be a chain reaction. ~Aurelia
speedi wrote: I have alawys found I am most unhappy when I coose Not to listen to the still quiet voice of God,,when I listen I learn and remain most happy,,Thanks for sharing your wonderful story. God Bless
warmth wrote: God is always there for everyone in goodtimes and bad times. We should love him always and thank him for whatever he has given us. Thank you soo much for sharing this wonderful story.
Roxy wrote: Well, That's a wonderful story. I think life always has its miracle. When you give, you take! You listened to God's voice to bring happiness to someone else and you'll take happniess from God.
treeflowerpuzzle wrote: I had given a co worker $20 several years ago when she was having a hard time.I had some extra money so I felt it was the right thing to do.I have two boys but I'm not a single mother. That was a big sacrifice for you. Give a blessing and you do get it back.