Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Forgotten Young Man

--by manzi, posted Jun 21, 2007

Some years back when I was growing up, we had a young couple who were our neighbours.  They had five children and were a fairly established couple, with a car and other amenities.  Since we were neighbours, their children were like my brothers and sisters.  I must say they lived a good life; their parents took them to better schools than us.

In 1988, though, their father passed away.  Two years later, their mother died too.  All of a sudden, the children became orphans.  Some greedy relatives husttled the car and other valuables and the children became destitutes.  They moved out of the neighbourhood and went to stay with their grandmother in the village.

Fifteen years later (early this year), I ran into one of the boys. I couldn't believe what I was seeing!

Somehow the boy remembered me and then we remembered the "good old days" as neighbors.  By the time I had heard his full story, I was in tears -- his elder brother and siter had died of aids and since there was nobody to look after them, they got wrapped up in illicit sex and drugs.  I asked the boy what he was doing now and he said that although was married with one kid, he wasn't doing anything meaningful.  Fighting back tears, I asked him if he needed some help getting back on his feet.   He said he wanted to start a small bussiness of his own.  And so, I then gave him some money which I must say, he has wisely used.

Last week he came to see me. He was a changed man!  He looked much cleaner than the time I met him, and he thanked me profusely for the little help I had provided.  He said from the amount that I had given him,he had made a significant profit which he has reinvested in his business.  The young man is now happy, is able to take his son to school and pay for his rent.  Next term he is enrolling his younger brother into some agricultural course, too.  He was truly happy.

And I am happy, too.  Happy that my little help has made a difference in another person's life.  Indeed these little acts when put together make a bundle -- a bundle of happiness, a bundle of love, a bundle of excitement, a bundle of joy!

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Readers Comments

AURELIA wrote: Manzi, WOW, you certainly made helped him get on his feet.I'm glad he let you know what an impact your kindness made in his life. You are a BUNDLE of KINDESS...Smiles to you! ~Aurelia
Babygirl wrote: Manzi, you are true testament of kindness, You were there for your brother, and I do mean BROTHER when he really needed you, and you helped to not only make a difference in his life but also the life of his family, you helped to change the repeat of the past for him and I'm sure that with his good mind and business sense he'll make sure his family doesn't have to relive his past. Thank you for the story and keep us updated on how he's doing because I'm sure that now he has found you he will make sure not to let you go again.
warmth wrote: Manzi i must say u done a great work. Thank u so much for helping your long lost brother and saving from him ending up in misery like his other siblings. God Bless for you and i pray all the goods for u in life. Thank you for sharing the story.
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: That is great Manzi! So many people will not take the time to listen and help someone. Kudos to you for making a difference!
brighteyes wrote: are my Hero of the Day today...wonderful story, wonderful lesson, wonderful acts of was no coincidence that you ran into wonderful you were aware with an open heart to offer support and not just the money, but listening, caring, and loving....Thanks you uplifted me and this memory will add to my inspirations in assisting our "brothers and sister". Brighteyes ;)
Bernard wrote: mANZI YOU GOT A LESSON FOR ALL OF US.For all of us reading, lets learn from it and pay it forward.
aogrn wrote: bless your was truly paid foward....
wings wrote: that was dreat Manzani! how nice of you.
lovebug wrote: You have been blessed with a sincere and loving heart, it is a gift, we can write books, and give seminars, attend church 7 days a week. Groups like the Makesomeone Smile help to raise awareness and I myself have gained much awareness of the awsome God who created us all, we all have suffered thru generations of ignorant teaching, and preaching, and the world at large seems to dwell on laws written in stone and the destruction of the world, However I read a more positive message. It says in the last days the Spirit will be poured out upon his people and open the minds of his children to the light from within and the laws will no longer be written in stone, but will be written in the hearts of man, so besure to thank our creator for opening your heart to love in its purist form, the deep concern for a fellow human, a brother, we are all connected to the same source.
jan2008 wrote: That was so kind of you to help. It was great that you both ran into each other.
Sounds like a rags to riches story. Very kind and generous of you.

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