Stories of Kindness from Around the World

I Honor All Who Mother

--by aogrn, posted Jun 22, 2007

[Originally posted on May 12th]

Today as I reflect on Motherhood, many images come to mind.  Some encourage and inspire me and others have me reflecting on my past sorrow.

I am elated for myself as I will share Mothers day with my 2 children; I am sad that my other children will only be a thought and a dream of what might have been.  You see, I have lost 9 children 6 thru miscarriage and 3 thru failed invitro fertilization.  Today, I honor all of my children.

My own Mother grows older and suffers mild dementia and has suffered strokes.  Yes, now I Mother her.  I try to meet her needs physically and emotionally while trying to remember that she is my Mother and will forever see me as a child.  Her life has changed and for that I am sad.  Yet she remains with me, while so many others will feel the loss of a Mother today.

My little daughter is 9 and emulates me in so many ways -- mostly when she Mothers her cat.  She makes his food just right, she nurtures him in his play and cradles him like a baby.  She is joyful in his accomplishment and worrisome with his sniffles.  She is me and play acts her Mothering and I smile as I know she honors me as her role model without ever saying so.  She will do well as a parent.

So I wish to end by honoring all of those who Mother ... all men, all women, all people.

Happy Mothers Day!

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Readers Comments

AURELIA wrote: You have learned a lot and are blessed to have a child who you can see yourself in and be happy that she is emulating you! Your legacy will live on in her and your mom's through you. Happy Mother's Day. ~Aurelia
jacqueline wrote: Happy Mothers Day to you too. You are a wonderful person, you have a big heart. I was expecting something from my man and child on Mothers Day. Then I reminded myself that I wouldn't be celebrating this day if I didn't have a child. So I took my son out for a little treat that afternoon. We took a car ride to a place where my parents took me when I was little. A little beach about 4km from our family home. We sat there and ate icecream. It was really nice. Reminded me so much of my childhood. I also cooked my sons favourite dish for dinner and we made dessert together. It feels great to give rather than receive on your special day!
Babygirl wrote: I want to thank you for this life story because there rings so much truth, and when it comes to mother's they do come in all shapes and sizes, some women and even some men, but whether you have a child of your own or not we are all mother's, if not to our own then to those around us, I don't have my children but my friends and co-workers tell me how much a good mother I am because I mother them to. It's just something we all share and it's the care and concern that lies in our hearts that just bursts out and touches those that are around us. I want to wish you a Belated mother's day and thank you once again
brighteyes wrote: How thoughtful to honor all Moms and share some of your feelings and challenges...thank God for all your children and glad you have the opportunity to celebrate with cherishing them and them chersihing you...I do agree with the group's comments...I do not have any children of my own having lost one as well but believe this is a day to honor ALL WOMEN especially those you give of themselves and support others.
jan2008 wrote: Sorry for your loss and your Mother's illness. I was happy to read about your daughter who takes after you. I am happy that you have gained her mannerism in your life. You are a good person for sharing and caring. Thank you for honoring all Mothers. May God bless you and your family. A special hug to your daughter from me. Thanks.
gwenmari1029 wrote: you are a very strong woman. you have handled all your trials well. thank you for being a good example on how to be a great mother. God bless you and your endeavors in life :)
wings wrote: i really appreciate your deep concern to your mother. stay strong.
kimj wrote: This is so touching it makes it hard to put a comment into words. Thanks for sharing.
moni wrote: Wish u a very blessed and fruitful bday.

God bless u!

Jami2D wrote: See. Your kind and gentle ways do not go unnoticed or unappreciated. :)

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