Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Lost & Found: Two Rings

--by brighteyes, posted Jun 25, 2007

After working out one day, in the locker room, I came across a gorgeous wedding ring studded with many diamonds and a ruby ring.  I could tell they were very expensive, and by the color, the gold looked to be 24 carat.

I looked around but there was no one in the gym or in the locker room.  So I took the rings to our work Lost & Found in the Security department upstairs.  After you fill out the tag, the items are kept for at least 30 days.

I told the security guard that I did not want my name mentioned, as I wanted it to be a random act of kindness. I did not want the person to feel they needed to thank me or compensate me.  And I was pretty sure that the rings would be claimed!

Over the course of the day, I forgot all about turning in the rings but as I leaving the building the next day, the security guard told me, "You made that woman's day, you know?"

I said, "Whose?"

She told me that early the next morning, an Indian woman frantically called security, crying and asking about her missing rings.  She described the rings and said that althought she had given up hope in finding them, she thought she would take one last chance in calling the gym in the remote chance that someone found them.  Not only were the rings valuable but it held a lot of sentimental value for her.

Security was happy to tell her, "Yes, Ma'am! They were turned in last night, found in the locker room."  And the Security added, "The finder wanted to remain anonymous."

The young Indian woman was so shocked & thrilled!  She told the guard that her wedding ring was from her husband and one of a kind -- he had it specially made for her.  And the ruby ring was from her Grandma in India, who was no longer alive.  Both were priceless.

I, too, have lost  jewelry and I was so glad to know someone didn't have to go through the experience of losing something so meaningful!   Even more than the material cost of the rings, it is the sentimental value that makes them so special.

The Indian woman's happiness was reward enough for me!

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Readers Comments

thaata wrote: Even though you knew that the rings were precious and valuable, you had the heart to return it and remain anonymous. You have a kind heart. Thanks for bringing joy to that indian woman which is invaluable.
ruru wrote: I just came across your story. I'm new here and this was such a real moment. I too have found something precious to someone and... as had to be returned... smiles galore to you.
hilde wrote: She must be so happy thats a nice thing that you did not many people would have been as honest.
maddysmommy wrote: Its nice to see honest people out there :) Way to go!
adityap1984 wrote: nice move...keep goin..:)
wings wrote: you are great. you have a place in heaven.
Theema wrote: I am a firm believer in being in the right place at the right time. You were meant to find the rings. Bless your heart for that wonderful act of kindness!
trahan1978 wrote: hey bless your heart. I made some one smile too when I gave the onimous smile card to aguy down in the social security office I had to get a social security for my youngest daughter. the guy I guess was really having a bad day . he was really not to happy until he got a card that said smile you've been tagged it took him awhile to figure out , but then started laughing yeah good feelings come when some one else has some happyness.
chelle wrote: a good story to inspire others like me.. thank you for sharing this story....GOD BLESS U :)

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