Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Cold Hands

--by Okoth, posted Jun 28, 2007

My daughter is six years old. I wanted to wash her winter coat and I found in each pocket a pair of gloves.

I thought that one pair of gloves might not be enough to keep her hands warm and asked her why she had two pairs.

She answered: ‘I am doing this already for a while, daddy. You know, some children in school don’t have gloves and when I have an extra pair, I can lend it to them so they won’t get cold hands'.

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Readers Comments

Aliennore wrote: look at how fast our children learns!
even kids realise that others need her have a wonderful child there :)
afriendlysmile wrote: Hi Okoth
What a thoughtful, caring daughter you have,dad must be so proud of her,brings a lump to your throat.

If everyone sees life through childrens eyes it would be a wonderful world.
Thank you for shareing.
Smiles all around.
Samsonmybf wrote: You have an awesome six year old, you must be very proud!! You have taught her well!
AURELIA wrote: OKOTH, I hope she continues to feel proud about being compassionate! Keep letting her know how wonderful she is for being so thoughtful so she will never feel like a "goody 2 shoes" for caring.You are doing a wonderful job of guiding her so far....keep it up.I'm Smiling for a parent that knows what he's doing....YES~there's still hope! ~Aurelia
brighteyes wrote: WOW! I just love it....please tell your daughter she is my KINDESS HERO of the day today! So warm hearted and compassionate of others...thanks for definitely brightened my day.
Smiles & Blessings from Brighteyes ;)
shez wrote: It is beautiful see the compassion of a child. All children are naturally loving, it is only life that taints them. You are doing a wonderful job with your daughter :)
lovebug wrote: My husband always say's (the apple never falls far from the tree). What tree is that? The tree of life
mikd wrote: its touching to see such kind thought in your daughter
astrocrazy2005 wrote: dats so nice:)
swts wrote: wow,i wish evrybody c`d think of other p`ple in such a way.

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