Readers Comments
bhappy wrote: What an awesome 15 year old you are. May you and your friend stay blessed.
Becki from So. Ca
Becki from So. Ca
brighteyes wrote: Yes, yes, yes!!! You are a warm hearted and compassionate and considerate teen and that was an act of kindness....many would not move and others would have ignored the gentleman.
Bless you and your friend!
Smiles & Blessings from Brighteyes ;)
Bless you and your friend!
Smiles & Blessings from Brighteyes ;)
AURELIA wrote: meagaleg, that was wonderful of you and your friend to be so considerate to a total stranger.You are a thoughtful teen...I'm glad to hear that! ~Aurelia
dan0707 wrote: what a great act of kindness, its great to see that you are only 15 and already seeing the effect a small gesture can have on you.. well done!!
Suzie wrote: Good for you. Courtesy is an important and special life skill that is ALWAYS appropriate.