Readers Comments
tenderheart wrote: lovely. always extraordinary. I lov this story because I feel the same way. People always tell me that I smile alots but seeing your story reminded me that is great to smile life is too beautiful not to. I am glad people responded so great and please do not stop smiling. many smiles for you. THX
AURELIA wrote: Brighteyes, You were on a mission...and accomplished much!It's interesting how we seemed caught up in our own little world, but if someone extends a warm hello, or bright smile, we respond back with a similar response. Your warmth and kindness blossomed this weekend. Keep it up! ~Aurelia
lovebug wrote: It is a small, small world, I remember taking my boys and a neighbour and her kids, I have forgotten how many she had. But I remember going to Disney world in a old beat up car, and it was raining, but the windshield wipers did't work, We had to stop several times and wait for the rain to let up, just so I could see to drive. I also remember, there was something wrong with the gears, there was a slight incine were I parked< I think park or neutral was out and my car would roll backwords, I was afraid my car would roll back and hit another car, so I found a flat space and my car did not roll. we had to walk the extra distance, but at that time I did not have the money to repair another persons car, I could not afford to fix my own car, so we walked. I do remember (it' a snall , small, world). I was impressed. 35yrs later I am still impressed, but I now understand my boys were to young to be impressed, and I have lost contact with the neighbor, so I do not know if she has the same memory I have, but I do know it is a small, small world and we are all connected in someway. For me it has taken a long time to recognize what I pray for, But I have been blessed to recgonize one. I find myself praying for the solier in the fox hole, and pray he remembers the smile on the old gray haired lady, who not only smiled, but hugged him and asked God's blessomg on him.That's how I want to be rememberd, smiling. A small thing, but then it is a small, small world
adityap1984 wrote: I agree with you.. I too hav tried makes ur day better...