Stories of Kindness from Around the World

The Elderly Couple At a Bus Stand

--by Ribeena, posted Jun 29, 2007

It was a Saturday in late January, and very cold day, as you might imagine. My husband, son and I had an decided to go shopping, so off we went in our nice warm car. 

As we drove along, I noticed an elderly Asian couple sitting at a bus stop. The elderly woman had a very thin Salwar Kameez (Indian clothing) and flip-flops on and the man had a light coat. 

We drove past them but I turned to my husband and said "Wouldn't it be such a good thing to do if we were to give them a lift to where they were headed, rather than being stuck in the bitter cold waiting for a bus?"  I think my husband looked at me thinking I was kidding but when he saw that I wasn't, he turned the car around and we headed back towards the bus stop.

We parked up and I got out and told them how we had just driven by and really wanted to be of service by giving them a ride anywhere.  Both of the elders were stunned but ever so thankful for the offer and sat in the car. I don't know if it was a coincidence or not, but they were actually headed towards the temple -- a place of worship.

Once we parked up outside both my husband and I got out and helped them out of the car and I will never forget the look of thanks in their eyes and how they hugged us.

It was a small act of kindness but one I will never forget and even now as I write this I'm welling up.


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Readers Comments

Aurelia wrote: Ribeena, I'm proud of you and your husband for following your heart! OUr elderly definitely need our help and deserve respect and kindness. THANK YOU. I'm smiling as I'm picturing this older couple who probably thought they never live to see the day that someone would stop at a bus stop to give them their own personal lift to the temple! :) GOOD FOR YOU! ~Aurelia
keymaker wrote: At the end of the day, it is these kind of moments that really count, don't they? Great story, Ribeena.

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