Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Time With A Friend

--by Aurelia, posted Jun 29, 2007

My friend is grieving over the death of her 8 year old daughter. I took your advice, feeling helpless on what I could do  for her and you all said give her your time.You supporting me helped me to support her...this is what I did:

Tonight we picked up a coffee and headed to the cemetery to visit Lindsay's grave. We sat and chatted about Lindsay's short life and how we missed her.  After an hour visit we went to 7pm mass that was being said for Lindsay.  

I felt good being of some support to my friend. It's so hard because I didn't know what I would talk about with her at the cemetery, but the words just started flowing...God working through me.

I think I might have helped in some small way, and am glad you all encouraged me to spend time with her.  God Bless you all.

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Aurelia wrote: Thank you all for the encouragement and great ideas. I've become very close to this friend during this entire year of grieving for her daughter. I try to be as supportive as possible and I GET so MUCH from it too. I've been asked to go at sunset to the cemetary with her to observe how beautiful the sky is and the feeling of Peace that she feels at times like that! This week I'm going to make it a point to with her. ~Aurelia
Babygirl wrote: Losing someone important in your life is hard but when it's a child your world falls apart, and when someone close to you goes through an event such as this, just knowing that there is someone there to help pick up the pieces and to listen and lean on is more support than anyone could ask for, You did good and just being the special friend that you are will help her through her grief. The love of friendship is the greatest support that one person could give another.
AURELIA wrote: Thanks Babygirl for all of your encouragement,it's so hard to know what to say in this situation and your advice has helped me move in the right direction.~Aurelia
brighteyes wrote: heart goes out to you both and thank you for taking action...sometimes when people feel uncomfortable and helpless they do nothing....YOU WERE THERE FOR YOUR FRIEND AND YOU CARE AND SHOWED IT AND THAT IS WHAT IS MOST IMPORTANT. She will grieve her own way and at her own pace but knowing she has a friend by her side to catch her if she falls, to listen, to support her is so very critical....what a wonderful friendship you have and a caring heart to BE THERE FOR HER AND HER FAMILY.
I am sending prayers your way and hers for Peace and that her wonderful memories and love shared will be of comfort to her now and in the future.
Namaste Brighteyes
AURELIA wrote: Thank you Brighteyes, my eyes are filled. I can only hope I can help in some small way. Tomorrow is 1 year anniversary of Lindsay's death and it'll be a tough day for everyone at the school. It'll be hard to keep my "Smile it's contagious" attitude, but I will try. ~Aurelia
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: Aurelia,

Your kind heart and actions make such a difference in the world. Bless you for taking the time to just listen to your friend in her time of need!
brighteyes wrote: you have any snaps of Lindsay? any wonderful memory you can share with your friend?
I know when my Sister past, so many people were uncomfortable when I talked about her or wanted to....
The sharing and remembering will keep her alive in your hearts and also is balm for the grieving soul.
Chin up and picture her smiling face, giggle or laugh and this may help.
Sending HUGS & Smiles your way.
Brighteyes ;)

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