Stories of Kindness from Around the World

One Size Fits All

--by Camilion, posted May 1, 2006
We were recently at a concert. The young artists were playing their hearts out but unfortunately, the audience was largely empty.

Moved by the artists, my wife felt we ought to do something to support them. Something, anything.

The guy next to us, an Italian youngster named Arthur, had become our friend in applause. We just knew that he felt the same way, because at the end of the concert, all three of us stood up to give our own version of a standing ovation for these budding artists.

After the concert, we go outside to the front desk and ask the little girl behind the CD-counter. "What is your favorite item? This t-shirt or this CD or this card?" The little girl was also part of the ten-person band; she was the daughter of the lead singer. A little shy, she shrugs her shoulder with a hidden smile on her face.

"Ok, we'll take this t-shirt. Do you have it in another size?" "No, that's the only size." In fact, it was the only t-shirt they had. On it, it had a photo of Martin Luther King, Jr. and it said -- "Nonviolence works!"

Right then, our Italian friend is coming out. We turn to him and hand him the shirt. "This is for you," we tell him while handing him a smile card.

It wasn't clear that the t-shirt was his size, but Arthur accepted it with a broad smile. Smiles are one-size-fits-all.
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Readers Comments

Debra wrote: Thank you so much for this airtcle, it saved me time!
DREAMZ wrote: Thanks. It wasn't just a story but a message.
TXWildflower wrote: Thank you for sharing your beautiful story with us.
jsmc10 wrote: :) smiles do fit all sizes, the t-shirt sounds great, i lobe mlkj :)
Luan wrote: Hey john,i really like your chrtcaaers and these colors are great but i'm not a big fan of t shirts with lots of text on, if you are going to extend your range in the future, would you consider creating some designs that have just a character as a graphic statement, with no writing? I think these would work really well and i would definitely buy some. Your pal,brendan
vendelau wrote: Lt2gmg hey crumb boss! Love this site makes me feel a little upset that i didn't find you some years ago after spending a lot of money on books ect but hey ho!

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