Readers Comments
lovebug wrote: Blessed people have great souls walking on their path. I have a son-inlaw who's name is Eric, he enriches our whole family, he also is a great soul and has blessed every person that was blessed enough to meet him
Aurelia wrote: Dear FB, What a great story! Eric has a gift for giving and a compassionate heart. I pray that it'll take him far and that he will continue to find ways to help others and always with a SMILE on his face. Tell him how proud we are of him and to join Helpothers to share his wonderful experiences with us! THANKS for sharing. ~Aurelia
Eleutheria wrote: 'Do to others as youde have them do to you...'
Oh if only more people would practice that advice, the world would be a better place!!
Oh if only more people would practice that advice, the world would be a better place!!
adityap1984 wrote: Thanks for sharing the story. That was nice quote from the buk. I appreciate the acts of Eric. So nice of him.
sewingsphynx wrote: True giving is when there is love and sacrifice involved. Keep up the kindnesses Eric. They all contribute to making the world a better place.
Maria wrote: It brought tears to my eyes as I read this story.If all of us let go of our Ego, who is at most times our worst enemy, this world would be a much better place.May the Lord bless Eric and all people who give and treat all, with kindness and dignity
Sharon wrote: Praise God for extravagant love..
speedi wrote: how lucky you are to have a friend like Eric,,,he has wisdom, beyond his age,,,what a wonderful story
Bless you both
Bless you both
maddysmommy wrote: very inspiring your story :) Makes me think twice about snobbing a homeless person!
philip joshua wrote: Everything in this world has been GIVEN to us.We are born into this world without anything.Anything we acquire after that is profit.Let us give...somebody else will in turn give us.