Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Blazer, Red Scarf, and Fifty Bucks

--by FP, posted Jun 30, 2007
I have this college friend, Eric.  One thing used and still does always intrigue me about him is how he deals with the poor. 

We have a lot of poor homeless people that come walking around our neighborhood day in and day out, either collecting stuff from our trash to recycle or physically coming to the door to ask for anything.  Walking to and from class you pass by at least 4-5 of them daily.  Most of the time, the constant rush against time makes me pass by them without noticing, but Eric would always take the second (even if he's in the middle of an important conversation!) to take out his wallet and give him/her a dollar.

This may not seem like a big deal, because most students are USC have a dollar to give away.  Sure, Eric also isn't dead broke, but like all of us film school students, he doesn't have money to squander either.  What's more is that he doesn't just give them the dollar and walk away -- he makes sure he says a good word or sometimes actually sits down and has a conversation with them.   His sincerity is moving. 

The reason i decided to sit down and write this, though, is because of what happened last night.

Last night, another one of these homeless individuals came up to the house next door.  Four-five of us ignore him but Eric tells him to hold on a second.   He goes up to his room, grabs a blazer, a beautiful red scarf his sister gave him for Christmas and fifty dollars.  He runs outside, dresses the man in the blazer, the scarf and then hands the man the money!

I watched from inside the house, and I was brought back to my own life experiences where I understood the capacity for human compassion.  As you might imagine, the homeless man was beyond grateful, and he simply said, "There must be a God."

Eric walks back in, and I'm totally dumbfounded.  I asked him, "You just said you were broke.  Don't you need that money?"  He says, "I have to read something to you."  I go upstairs to his room and he pulls out this book he's been  reading -- Gandhi's Experiments with Truth.  Then, he reads me this quote:

"Whenever you are in doubt, or when the self becomes too much with you, apply the following test. Recall the face of the poorest and the weakest man whom you may have seen, and ask yourself if the step you contemplate is going to be of any use to him. Will he gain anything by it? Will it restore him to have control over his own life and destiny? In other words, will it lead to swaraj for the hungry and spiritually starving millions? Then you will fine your doubts and yourself melting away."

He shuts the book and says, "See it all makes sense."

I've been thinking about the experience and the quote all day today.
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Readers Comments

lovebug wrote: Blessed people have great souls walking on their path. I have a son-inlaw who's name is Eric, he enriches our whole family, he also is a great soul and has blessed every person that was blessed enough to meet him
Aurelia wrote: Dear FB, What a great story! Eric has a gift for giving and a compassionate heart. I pray that it'll take him far and that he will continue to find ways to help others and always with a SMILE on his face. Tell him how proud we are of him and to join Helpothers to share his wonderful experiences with us! THANKS for sharing. ~Aurelia
Eleutheria wrote: 'Do to others as youde have them do to you...'
Oh if only more people would practice that advice, the world would be a better place!!
adityap1984 wrote: Thanks for sharing the story. That was nice quote from the buk. I appreciate the acts of Eric. So nice of him.
sewingsphynx wrote: True giving is when there is love and sacrifice involved. Keep up the kindnesses Eric. They all contribute to making the world a better place.
Maria wrote: It brought tears to my eyes as I read this story.If all of us let go of our Ego, who is at most times our worst enemy, this world would be a much better place.May the Lord bless Eric and all people who give and treat all, with kindness and dignity
Sharon wrote: Praise God for extravagant love..
speedi wrote: how lucky you are to have a friend like Eric,,,he has wisdom, beyond his age,,,what a wonderful story
Bless you both
maddysmommy wrote: very inspiring your story :) Makes me think twice about snobbing a homeless person!
philip joshua wrote: Everything in this world has been GIVEN to us.We are born into this world without anything.Anything we acquire after that is profit.Let us give...somebody else will in turn give us.

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