Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Sending Smiles And Support

--by CJ, posted Jul 1, 2007

I  just heard from a dear, old friend that after getting laid off her last job several months ago, she finally landed a new one with benefits. She is relieved but oh so weary and sound very sad.

She is in her 50's and it is getting tough for her as the last four jobs she had were outsourced and she was laid off each one.

She told me her nest egg is now depleted, she qualified for a low rent apartment and she has special health insurance til the benefits from her new job kick in after 3 mths. No money for any extra and she's staying close to home due to gas price increases.

I decided to send her an inspirational card, book and $100 today to provide a lift of spirit and hope.  I do not want her to know its me and feel beholden so am mailing to another buddy out of state who will forward to her....did not sign the card and no return address.

I am cheered this Wed AM knowing my RAOK will bring her some needed sunshine!

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Readers Comments

AURELIA wrote: I'm sure she will be appreciative of your act and will also be wondering who could be so sweet...maybe she'll figure it out the sounds of it, you've been up to good deeds for a while now brighteyes!!!$100 bucks will surely be put to good use. You are an awesome friend...even if anonymously. ~Aurelia
Samsonmybf wrote: Wow, you are probably answering her prayers with that RAOK !
You are one of the angels here on earth!!
tenderheart wrote: I totally agreed with samson95. You are an angel that God uses to help. God Bless.
warmth wrote: very very good. Thank u brighteyes for lifting your friends spirit.
MsJava wrote: What a wonderful heart and giving spirit you have!
AiyaZaynab wrote: How awesome!! Especially since it was anonymous. :) She'll remember this for a long time!

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