Readers Comments
sasha wrote: Warmth your story is like a message to me and it comforts my soul. I was at work this morning when my aunt told me the sad news that my cousin was shot dead (I'll send the story). And through my grieve you came along with this story. Thank you a bundle and I'll be sharing this story with the rest of the family. Continue to spread your warmth in others life and may God continue to bless you (' ')
FREEhugsROCK wrote: I cried... I was so beautiful...
tenderheart wrote: wamth, I am so touch and crying from the sweetest story. Thanks for sharing it was heartwarming to read it. U right families r forever that's why we must cherish every moment we have with them. continue sharing :)
Jaybee777 wrote: Family is forever! People live on after death. Nice story!
justoneheart wrote: To truly treasure your children and interact with them every day as if it were your last is a great gift to both mother and child. This story made me want to hug my little one close, and as soon as I get home I will do just that! Thank You!
JuneBug wrote: That was so good! Makes me think how I can take my family for granted.I love you should always be our last sentence to them because you never know.....