Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Happy Birthday And A Gold Coin

--by Rice, posted Jul 5, 2007

While eating lunch with my 4 year old daughter this afternoon at a fast food restaurant, i noticed an old man walking to the table with a cane. The manager kindly carried his food for him.

During the meal I overheard the man tell a woman it was his birthday. So I whispered what I heard to my daughter. She loves when people have birthdays. I told her it was ok for her to wish him a happy birthday. He obviously was spending this special day alone.

At first she was shy and decided against it. No problem. As I was emptying our tray into the trash she turned to him and quietly wished him a Happy Birthday.  I could tell he was touched by the way he looked at her. I came up behind her and gave him my own wishes. He was grateful.

As we walked away he called my daughter back and handed her a brand new gold $1 coin. She thanked him...that wasn't enough for him. He dug into his pocket and at that I  kindly told him that wasn't neccessary. He ignored me and pulled out an envelope with about a dozen of a different kind of gold coin. He proceeded to hand her another one and tell her how special it was and that one day it will be worth something. He then looked me in the eye and wished me a good day.

What a kind man. I'm sure my daughter made his day. If not his year....and who was I to take away his glory and turn away his offering of thanks.

Happy Birthday!

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Readers Comments

AURELIA wrote: Rice, Being able to give is a gift itself. Thank you for bringing up such a sweet little one to help our world be a better place. You are doing a wonderful thing for us all. ~Aurelia
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: It's great that you are teaching your daughter such wonderful things. Even better when the experience itself reinforces that lesson. Thanks for making a difference!
irongrace wrote: please thank your daughter that was a very kind gesture of her. I hope we see more kids like this
brighteyes wrote: Rice....your story and kindness brought tears to my acknowledged that man as a person and on his special day and many do not celebrate or their birthdays are not remembered by their family and friends...THANK YOU FOR HONORING HIM AND WISHING HIM A HAPPY BDAY. I had a great friend for years who never had a BDay cake or any recognition of her BDAy and I always remember it to this day and call, send a card or present so she knows she is remembering too.
I agree with everyone else about how wonderful you are as a Mom for teaching your daughter kindness at a yonng age so she can always pass along to others....
Made my day today....thanks!
Smiling Brighteyes ;)
kylierose16 wrote: That was a beautiful story. It brought a smile to my face. Thanks for sharing it.
EePee wrote: THANK YOU for a wonderful posting!!
JuneBug wrote: Your story was so touching! Keep up the good work with your daughter!
JaysonsMom wrote: You made his whole day, obviously. What a wonderful trait to teach your daughter, that a kind word goes a long way. I can't imagine how many people ignored or paid no attention to that man, and you and your little girl took the time to show him that he is important. Good for you! :)
aogrn wrote: The best things in life are learned from our older generation. Your daughter has a special gift. She learned generosity.
lovebug wrote: I was given a coin 30yrs a go. I kept that coin, not knowing why.But when my grandson recently went to the war in Iraq, I passed it forward to him. So far he has been safe, part of me believes it is because I kept the blessing given to me in the form of a coin , I do pray that this blessing of life will be pasted forward to my grandson and all of those who are called to war on both sides. Keep up the good work, we are never to young to learn kindness, but someone has to teach it, in this case it was you. Thanks for sharing.

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