Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Will You Be Johnny Today?

--by kendra, posted Jul 6, 2007
I am a Sales Manager at a large company. I absolutely LOVE my job, and I do my job to the best of my ability. However, I sometimes forget that it's not always about just "doing your job" - but it's about doing things in your daily life that make a difference. 

Yesterday, I was motivated to do something a little
different.  Someone sent me the link below, and after watching it I realized that I had once again fallen into the weekly routine, and needed to do something to spice up what I do.  So I researched quotes.

I researched some really fantastic quotes.  And then I printed them up and have decided to include one in every piece of literature and every gift bag that I give to a client.  That way, the client is not only getting something that says our company's logo, and they are not only getting my request for their business, but they are now getting an inspirational quote - a word of wisdom - a thought of the day. 

Now yes- there is a chance that they will simply throw it away.  There is a chance that they will read it and think it's stupid.  OR ... there is a chance that it could MAKE THEM SMILE.  There is a chance that a difference might be made in someone's day because I included that quote in their bag.  And for that outcome, the chance is worth taking.  Even
if I don't get their business in the end, at least I made them smile.

Here's the video about Johnny the Bagger.  Will you be Johnny today?

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Readers Comments

brighteyes wrote: your story and idea....I sometimes add quotes or inspirational but not daily ...I also forward to buddies when they need a lift but your idea is great....and so what is not everyone enjoys , some will and that is where you'll make the difference.
I will be Johnny today!
shez wrote: I loved that video kendra. I hope your clients are enjoying your quotes, I know I would if someone did that for me :) Great idea thanks Kendra.
Shez :)
EePee wrote: Kendra this is AWESOME!!
AURELIA wrote: Great story Kendra. I put quotes on the board outside of my office. It makes me feel good knowing that someone might read one and say to themselves "that's so true" and feel good for the rest of the day.~Aurelia

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