Readers Comments
shez wrote: That is an awesome idea AiyaZaynab. We all know people less fortunate than ourselves. I will endeavour to do that for someone this week. I let you all know how I get on. Shez :)
AURELIA wrote: Aiya, Thanks for the wonderful idea.What a perfect way to help a friend out. I love how you put it all in a gift bag which let your friend know it was a gift and not a charity act in a brown bag!!! Good for you for finding a way to help a friend in need. ~Aurelia
EePee wrote: THIS IS SO WONDERFUL!!! I wish you everything that is positive to keep it up.
Samsonmybf wrote: Don't feel bad because after all, you are giving all of us great ideas! thanks for sharing !!
bhappy wrote: I do the same thing. Keep sharing your great ideas. Stay blessed. Becki
tenderheart wrote: great gift bags are awesome. I do the same thing. Share your ideas. It's great to kind to others. Keep in mind that depending your intentions of why you are sharing your good deeds is where it makes the difference. Why are you telling them. to brag, to appreciate, to share, to inspire, to emulate etc. Think of the reason then you decide whether is goo to share it or not. But please keep sharing your ideas. :) kudos for u.
brighteyes wrote: I too, love the idea and providing all the goodies in a gift bag..brillant!
I may use your idea too...thanks for sharing....keep up your RAOK and sharing your stories...they help us all too, not just with ideas but are uplifting to read too.
Smiles from Brighteyes ;)
I may use your idea too...thanks for sharing....keep up your RAOK and sharing your stories...they help us all too, not just with ideas but are uplifting to read too.
Smiles from Brighteyes ;)
maverick wrote: Thank you AiyaZaynab for sharing seed of thought. I love it.-Maverick
karma wrote: wow ...It's fabulous cant beleive i found a site with likeminded people , as some people think im nuts, helping others...keep it up
hilde wrote: your right the more kind people in this world the better so carry on helping people in time of need