Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Getting a Taxi At the Mall

--by klondikekid, posted Jul 3, 2007

I live in a rural area but sometimes we go to the city to check it out at the mall.  One day, my daughter and I decided we needed a day of it.  We sure made the most of it.  For anybody that likes to go shopping, you know what I'm talking about. 

After a full day of the mall, it was time to go.  On the way to the exit doors, there was a lady by the pay phones that wasn't able to talk English very well.  She tried getting help from people but she kept getting ignored.  Seeing the frustration in her face, I stopped to see if I could help.  I didn't really understand much of what she was saying but I finally got the idea that she wanted a taxi.  She gave me the coins and I called one of the taxi companies.  I explained that the lady didn't talk much English but needed a taxi.  They said they would send one out.  I tried my best to explain that to the lady.  You could just see the relief on her face.  She was very thankful.

When my kids were young, I would do an act of kindness and after we were away from the situation, I would explain what I did and why.  I wasn't trying to brag or pat myself on the back but just trying to teach them about acts of kindness.  They learned that it's ok to help others and have gone on to do the same.

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Readers Comments

Aliennore wrote: lending a helping hand to people you dont proves that kindness can reached to people regardless any races or religion
aogrn wrote: A parents greatest joy is to see themselves in their childrens acts. I try to be a good mom,by being a good person. I am delighted when it rubs
into my children.
brighteyes wrote: Very thoughtful and compassion act of kindness....I can just imagine myself in a foreign country and not speaking the language or not well enough and being ignored...THANK YOU for taking the time to stop, listen, offer help and share the experience with your children....we all learn best from experience and action.
Smiles from Brighteyes ;)
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: What a great example you are for your daughter. Bless you for taking the time to show a little kindness that will certainly go a long way!
AURELIA wrote: that was so kind of you to see that the lady was frustrated and needed help. A Good Lesson for your Daughter to learn.

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