Stories of Kindness from Around the World

My First Time Being Generous

--by karma, posted Jul 8, 2007

Many moons ago , when I was 19 years of age , I had very little, in the way of material goods.  I had popped to the local shop to get some nappies for my youngest child, when I got into a conversation with a lady and her 5 year old child.

I could tell things were not going well for her, so I asked her a few questions about her situation.  Apparently, her boyfriend was meant to pick her up from the bus station 2 days ago but he just hadn't shown up.  And the poor lady had a one way ticket, and no money!  A local group offered to help but she was staying on cold bathroom floors. 

I couldn't just walk away.  So I asked her to get her things together and come with me.  She stayed with me and my family for 2 days until her social security was due.

Today, I willingly would do the same again without even batting an eyelid.  The lady in question wrote me a letter thanking me for my kindness ... and I replied by saying, "Just remember to do the same for someone else."

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Readers Comments

brighteyes wrote: WOW karma...that was brave of you...I am not sure I would have invited someone to my home....but would have offered food, money for a room, very courageous and generous of you!
tenderheart wrote: wow. you are advanterous I do not know if I would have done the same. so kudos for you; you are so generous and brave. :)
lovebug wrote: You are ahead of me, I don't believe I would have had your courage. I befriended a stranger. Actually, it took time, small conversations, over a long period of time. He would come into my little shop and ask me to pray for him and with him. I began by inviting him into my yard to share the beauty of nature, I consider this small peice of earth to be holy. Obe day I decided to show him the inside of my home and even shared my private alter were I pray. It never occured to me not to trust him. However I walked away from him to allow him to pray in my sacred space. There was no delayed reaction, as I walked thru the house, I felt something missing, he had stolen my wedding ring, took it right off of my alter. I do have to admire your courage

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