Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Five Year Old Jacob's Chocolate Cookies

--by brighteyes, posted Jul 11, 2007

My husband is not a big fan of kids, especially those without manners and that misbehave.

One of our neighbors has 3 children and the oldest is Jacob. He's 10 now, but was 5 at the time.  Just a big bundle of love and energy, with his bright blue eyes, red hair, freckles and braces.  (For you all that remember Mayberry RFD on TV- he's Opie's  look-alike!  For the rest of you, he's a darling! I just love him to death).

For some reason, he took a liking to my husband.  Everytime he saw him, Jacob would wave, dash across the street and come visit.  If he was in the garage repairing his bikes or in the front yard cleaning, Jacob would wave, dash across the street and come visit.  Jacob would always ask so many questions and keep my hubby company. They would ride bikes together, and what not.  They really seemed to get along well.

Well, my hubby had a sick cat that we had to put to sleep. It literally broke his heart and he grieved deeply for so long that even I was getting worried about him.  He had no energy, mopped and even quit his bike riding. 

Five year old Jacob immediately noticed and asked me what was wrong.  I told him about the loss of our cat and how my husband is so very sad right now and doesn't want to ride, or visit with his friends. 

Jacob listened intently then without a word, bolted home.

The next day, the door bell rang.  There was Jacob and his Mom with a huge plate of homemade chocolate chip cookies.  On top of that, Jacob had a huge construction paper card in his hand and a HUGE grin on his cute face.

They came in and Jacob's mom explained: "Jacob came home yesterday,  told me about your husband grieving over his lost cast.  Immediately, he wanted to do something immediately to cheer him up and asked me to help him -- only help! -- him make chocolate chip cookies with the extra big chunks.   He wanted to make them special for his friend!"  Jacob also asked his mom to write out a message of condolence about the cat on a piece of paper so he could copy in his own hand writing.   He drew a darling picture on the cover and my hubby and cat on the inside then signed his name.

I gave him a HUGE hug before he ran off  to find my husband and present his gift. We tactfully left them alone to talk.

After they left, I noticed tears in my husband's eyes.  Five year old Jacob's thoughtfulness and compassionate gesture left an unforgettable mark on his heart.

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Readers Comments

moral12 wrote: Such compassion from a child, this brought tears to my eyes, too. It's starts at home, doesn't it? Thanks for sharing.
mdadlaza wrote: The world would really be a different place to be in with children like Jacob. Adults can learn a lot from these little ones. Adults must all be child-like and not childish.
Nickgrand wrote: Thank you for shearing!! God bless!
jiemelyn wrote: Being sympathetic is one of the values Jacob learns from his family. Kudos to all the children who are like Jacob.
happyhomemom wrote: To act like a child and just show Love and Kindness with no thought of rejection. What a wonderful story
EePee wrote: What an inspiring & moving story; THANK YOU.
We should all try to find that inner child in ourselves.
Mariyam wrote: Children indeed are our teachers when we need to remember to be humans again. This story is just one marvelous example of how a child listens to the calling from within and acts on it, to make a mark on the adult psyche... very loving story :) cheers :)
Theema wrote: Believe me, Jacob's kind deeds have also left an unforgettable mark on my heart too! If you don't mind, please give him a hug for me when next you see him.
Marcie wrote: "Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around." I am not sure who wrote the quote above, but it applies here. Great story.
Asma Raheem wrote: Rare to find kids like these nowadays!

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