Stories of Kindness from Around the World

God Blessed Me With Tunics =)

--by AiyaZaynab, posted Jul 10, 2007

So there's a bit of a heat wave over here, it's been 80 degrees a lot. (For the northwest area of the states, that's pretty hot!) And since I'm muslim, I can only wear shirts with full length sleeves and long skirts, no t-shirts, tank tops, or shorts. So tunics are awesome in the summer because they are light, yet still very modest.

Anyways, I was gettin depressed because they aren't currently selling any here(I only have a couple, because usually it's below 70 here so I have mostly thicker clothing), and I don't drive so I can't go to a bigger city to find some. And internet sites are too expensive(I still live with my parents and just get allowance).

So as I was telling all this to one of my friends over the phone, she said she'd give me some of hers! Yay!! God bless her heart for saving me from the heat. =) 

So yes, my kindness of the week is kindness given to me.

By the way, ice cream is good for heat waves too. ^_^

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Readers Comments

AURELIA wrote: Aiya,
I'm happy to hear the kindness was returned to you! I hope the heat wave breaks soon for you. It's been 90 around here and humid...I welcome it, I have a pool :) Here's to you, you wonderful girl XXXOOOXXX ~Aurelia
Alraisi wrote: Thst's very kind from your friend and you did such a very hard work by openining the door.haha just kidding to make you smile.haha It's really nice. Really tell your friend that Allah Will Make Her Happy Very Soon, So That's Something Very Nice. Be Kind The World Will Be Kind For You...!!!
brighteyes wrote: You had me smiling....I loved your kindness story...instead of a kindness you prepared, a kindness was given to you....wonderful friend to share, huh?
Opening doors count too...smiling and sharing stories also....toodles!
Nickgrand wrote: Thank you for shearing!! God bless!

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