Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Starbucks Kindness

--by Stacy Knight, posted Jan 17, 2006
I want to share something with you that happened to me yesterday.

My family and I live in Sacramento, and after taking our son to school (1st grader) I thought I'd stop by the drive-through at our neighborhooh Starbucks to treat myself to a coffee before a busy day with my 5 month old. When I got to the window to pay for my drink. I was informed that the lady in front of me (who I didn't know) had paid not only for MY coffee, but all of the cars behind me! The girl working at the window said that this kind stranger wanted to 'return the favor'...that someone else had done that for her. It's amazing how such a simple gesture can affect another silly as this may sound, it made me smile and reminded me that there are so many kind and giving people out there. I wish I could've thanked her personally, but by the time I was finished at the window she was gone. What an unexpected but appreciated 'random act of kindness'.

So what did I do today after dropping off my son at school? I went to that same drive-through line at Starbucks to treat myself..and an unsuspecting stranger to a cup of coffee. When I told the girl at the window I was going to pay for the car behind me (because someone had done that for me the day prior) she smiled and said she'd heard about this sort of thing happening.

Not sure if it's the holidays or simply people 'Paying It Forward'...but it's a nice reminder that people are basically good. Who knew that I'd be reminded of that by going to Starbucks..crazy huh?

Thanks for reading.
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Readers Comments

jsmc10 wrote: Yay :) so great :)
Toni wrote: this one is my favorite!

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