Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Two Dollars That Changed My Life

--by Daphne, posted Jul 15, 2007
Everyday I walk down the mall to get a cup of cappuccino, and every day I get hit up for spare change.  Every day.  The panhandlers all have these wonderful stories but you never know what to believe.  After a while it gets to be an irritation, and then I find myself getting upset that I'm so irritated over what is really just spare change.

One day this person came up to me and said, "I just ran out of gas.  My car is about six blocks away from here, I have two kids in the car and I'm just trying to get back home."

I said to myself, "Here we go again," but for some reason I gave him $10.  Then I went on and got my cappuccino.  As I was walking back to my office, I again saw the man standing by his car, which had run out of gas right in front of my office.  Seeing me, he came over and said, "Thank you, but I don't need the full ten," and handed me $2.

Now I find that being asked for money no longer bothers me and I give whatever I can everytime I get the chance.
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Readers Comments

akbj wrote: I have felt irritated at some people asking for "change" also, but sometimes I give in and just give them something. Your story does make me think newly about the whole process, and also that God will inspire someone to help you if ever needed. I guess we need to not be so "pessimistic" about this common request, and to let our feelings be more positive about the people who say they need help. Great story.
MJ wrote: Great story, what goes around does come around. There was along line in a right turning lane and 2 lanes of traffic coming off the freeway and the lane on the left had to somehow merge to the right crossing 3 lanes to turn right. I had let 2 go before me and was trying to go myself. The person in the car with me was telling me to go dont let anyone else in, I did let one more in. After driving one block a car broke down in my lane and I couldnt get over. Well the last car I let in let me over! Want goes around..
hilde wrote: thats very nice and you never know you could be in the same situation and that person would help you out
sukisuki wrote: That was really nice. And it is nice to know that there are still honest people in this world.
JuneBug wrote: Wow! That story amazes me! I would have thought the same thing you did in the beginning. That gives me hope that not everybody that asks for help is deceiving us who they approach..Thank you!
fatma wrote: It was nice of you :)

happyhomemom wrote: I agree with the previous comment. Just do and let God take care of the rest.
Sarah wrote: I think it is a great story, I understand about never knowing what to believe. I guess if your heart says do it and your mind says no, just do and let God figure it out the rest.
Rice wrote: The really are good hearted people out are proof as well as the honest person you helped.

God Bless you both for making the world a better place.
Duane wrote: Kamil, he was 6 blocks from his car, thank you for sharing your story, I have to admit I am little more pestimistic about giving, more so than give what I can everytime..

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