Readers Comments
woodrose wrote: Dear lydia thank you for sharing this beautiful post
It is inspiring & uplifting :)
It is inspiring & uplifting :)
mel37865 wrote: I pray that everything always goes ok for you with this arrangement! I know from experience that sometimes you can get hurt by opening your home to others.
Amy wrote: Well done lydia. It sounds very healing for everyone involved. Make sure you also get some emotional support, as you are effectively the carer and caring can be tiring over long periods.
sandyremillard wrote: Lydia, your good kind heart preceeds you! May the archangel michael always protect you and may the light always prevail in your home. Bless you.
Roshni wrote: Thanks for sharing, sometimes the family we create is more of a family then the one we are given. Both are beautiful in thier own ways, as they teach us lessons in our own lives, but you were spot on when you mentioned that we all have choices on how we can deal--with situations, relationships, etc. Beautiful post, sending love & light your way!
theresaharris10 wrote: May god bless you richly your generosity and loving those who some may not think are loveable.
melnotes wrote: What a wonderful story full of so much love. Thanks for sharing :)
wavingatyou wrote: Total awesomeness :)
DotMatrix wrote: This is a beautiful story. It resonates with a lot in my life. Thank you for sharing it. You have a healer's heart.
Morgine wrote: Thank you for sharing this amazing story! What courage to share your home with all these people, some you know nothing about! Wow you are amazing! I hope you have been repaid in many amazing miraculous ways! Thanks for being so generous and sharing your space with those who need it! I admire you!