Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Helping When You Need Help

--by samson95, posted Jul 17, 2007

We attended a benefit dinner for a family in our church tonight.  A member in their family has been ill for awhile now, and  this has caused a great financial strain on the family. Church members have assisted them with cleaning, preparing meals, and have helped them keep their pantry full of food.

During the dinner they had an auction. They auctioned mostly services that the teens of the church would be providing, babysitting, singing lessons, and guitar lessons to name a few.  They auctioned a batch of cinnamon buns, and my husband had the high bid of $40. While we are having some hard times of our own financially, I thought it was awesome that he contributed to this family in their time of need. (Our family is fortunate to all have our health, and a place to live.)

When you think you have it bad, there is always someone who is having a much harder time of it... I am thankful that I have a husband who is so thoughtful. 

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Readers Comments

tenderheart wrote: we all go through many triumps; just differrent ways. I am glad that even thought you and your family are in rough times, your husband still was sensitive to others and gave. God will make sure he take care of you guys for helping others. It was very sweet of you to not get upset instead be happpy and proud that it was all for a good cause. Once we realize and we are sentitive to others poeple needs; we realize that there are bigger problems out there and that is not always about us. Thanks for sharing and continue to give and be mind to others. :) I'll pray for you and your family for these rough times. :) smile GOD loves you.
helper wrote: than you for sharing the story its really inspiring.
brighteyes wrote: Tenderheart..your story touched me...thanks for much for sharing....please give your husband an extra HUG from me for this compassion and generosity to that family. Here's my Kindness Hero of the day today!

Sometimes when life gets tough and money or other problems arise, I make a habit of counting my blessings first thing in the morning and last thing at sure helps to put life in lists get very long when you start appreciating the little things like sunshine, flowers, rain, a butterfly, etc.
God and the Universe provides enough for all of us....its up to us to share when others our down on their luck..if we all did what a better world this would be....
Smiles from Brighteyes
afriendlysmile wrote: Hi samson
Wonderful thing your husband did,to be ill and short of money must be so soul destroying.
The help they got would have been such a lift,l am sure in gods way your family will have many blessings.
God bless
shaz wrote: yeah was really a true act of kindness.And its so very true that quite often we forget to thank God for his blessings and keep cribbing about our sorrows.Such stories make us count our blessings!
Nickgrand wrote: Thank you for shearing!! God bless!

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