Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Pez for Christmas

--by myrene47, posted Nov 23, 2014
When my daughter and I traveled home on Christmas Day we made a small gesture that still makes me smile. We had wrapped Pez dispensers and we gave one to each toll-worker we encountered, adding Merry Christmas-sorry you had to work today!

We got smiles and waves and some even leaned out of their booths to watch us leave. Those smiles and waves made it a holiday.
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Readers Comments

Mish wrote: Wow, Pez dispensers were part of my childhood... Thanks for sharing gave me BIG smiles!!! And super kindness act by you!!
jomartin87112 wrote: great story! thank you!
twiceblessed wrote: Very touching. More than size of the act, it is the size of the heart that matters -- and you showed that through your actions!
wavingatyou wrote: Sweets and smiles :)
mindyjourney wrote: Saw some pez dispensers at store and wondered what i could do with them, now i know! Thank you for your kindness and the idea :)).
kathleendeeganve wrote: I love it! I'll steal the idea, too. Thanks!
sandyremillard wrote: So very kind of you! Great idea. :}}

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