Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Snail Mail Surprises

--by brighteyes, posted Jul 29, 2007

I keep scissors handy on my sofa side table to clip interesting articles and coupons that my friends & family may like.

Once a week, I sort them into different piles and send it thru the mail to distribute.

I received many thank you's for the interesting articles, so I started to clip out funny cartoons, inspirational stories, share poems and pick up stick-um's and other surprise goodies too!  I stuff them into the letters especially if I know the person needs a pick-me-up ... it's fun and not expensive at all ... and everyone loves the "snail mail surprises."

Lastly, when I sort thru the mail, I pull  out the Two for One coupon restaurant deals, additional savings coupon or certificates from department stores, etc. I keep them in a envelope and if I don't need it, I make sure to pass out to other friends and co-workers for their use before expiration dates.

I recently snail-mail surprised friends with: 2 tickets to a baseball game, 2 tickets to a dinner and musical,  $10 off at a department store,  and buy one dinner and get the second one free at a favorite local restaurant that friends were gifted and used. 

It's great fun to think of benefitting others!
5586 Reads

Readers Comments

denim1951 wrote: I love reading this story over and over. Its very special. I am sure God blesses you and your family. It also inspires me to do acts of kindness with others.
akbj wrote: How terrific, it's so nice to receive something in the mail besides bills, & to know that you are thinking of them makes those people so happy, I'd bet.
denim1951 wrote: I love using stickers to decorate my mail to people. I went to a dollar store and got bible stickers to share and everyone loves them. They are fun to get and to use.
zidlore wrote: I usually put those discount coupons inside the trash can, because I thought I can't do anything with them. But after I read your story, how I wish I saved them all! That's an amazing idea! Thanks for sharing! ^__^
Sandra wrote: I love to receive letters and things in the mailbox from friends and family. What wonderful ideas...thank you for sharing them.
Nitu Hukil wrote: Great Idea!Wish I had the time to do this.
kater wrote: Fantastic Idea! I am always looking for a way to do something special for my teenaged granddaughters. This is simple and fun for all of us...we also have a kitchen area at work and it would be a great idea to start leaving "gifts" there to share with whomever could put the coupons etc. to use. Thank you!
laurita wrote: I absolutely love this idea of yours! Thank you.
speedi wrote: What a super idea! Thanks for sharing it
God Bless
roxanne916 wrote: I try to do the same thing!! :) I have found that 2 pairs of ankle socks fit very well into a 6x9 envelope and ship well for very little. I like to sned little things to my friend's children who are in college....they get a kick out of getting a happy in the mail.

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