Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Shopping In The Rain

--by Aurelia, posted Jul 28, 2007

Today it was raining really hard. When I went to the grocery store, all of the Shopping Carts were dripping wet. I managed to find a paper towel and wipe it down and off I went to do my shopping.

I only picked up a few items and was on my way out of the store. As I walked out I noticed a Mom struggling as she came through the store doors with a baby in her arms. It was raining so hard outside she was running in.  I quickly said she could use my cart as it was dry and she could put the baby in right away instead of looking for something to dry a cart off with. I just grabbed my bags of groceries out of the cart -- they were light -- and I ran off to my car without a cart.   The mom was very grateful to me for helping her out.

I felt happy knowing I was able to offer her my shopping cart and was able to help her with her little baby.

Be on the look out for opportunities.  They're everywhere, even when you're grocery shopping in the rain!

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Readers Comments

ivan wrote: my greatest angel buddy what has anybody ever done to deserve such nice treatments from you??? you are truly an Angel from God....

Stay blessed,
afriendlysmile wrote: Hi Aurelia
As caring as ever,yep we can the most unexpected places.
Would have really helped Mum, good on you.
Love and smiles
brighteyes wrote: Aurelia....I know first hand about "Grocery Store Angels"...remember my earlier story....they are so special and so are you...
Thanks for sharing and caring!
Smiles from Brighteyes ;)
snowflake66 wrote: Aurelia, what a wonderful story! I could so emphathize with you and the woman you aided :) It was nice to read about one of your kindnesses :)

Peace from snowflake66
EePee wrote: THANK YOU SO MUCH for sharing!!
When helping becomes second nature one'slife becomes so unbelievably enriched!!I
If only we would ALL do this ALL of the time!!!
Angel4eva wrote: your an angel Aurelia!!
hilde wrote: Aurelia I am sure the lady really appreciated it
Shopping with small children can be such a chore at times ecept for Sophie she says
Better known to you as Angel4eva
I got her on this weesite sincxe staruday and she is absolutely hooked !!
I think it can do her only good !!
Jaya wrote: Thank you so much for sharing such a wonderful story... you have proved that there still exists good people in this earth.. Well Done!!
jan2008 wrote: Hey,

Very kind of you to offer the cart. I had a situation in a grocery store with a cart with an older lady and offered an
act of kindness to her. You just never know how simple things as a shopping cart can bring a smile to some one and make their day.
denim1951 wrote: It is a blessing when you can help someone in need. I have helped elderly and women with children get their shopping into their car or open a door for them. Its the little things we do that make a big difference in their lives

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