Readers Comments
afriendlysmile wrote: Hi kylie
What an amazing beautiful(in soul) lady.
To know that there are Angels like Jaqui out there quietly spreading her love and warmth rekindles our faith.
You just feel like you want to give her a big hug.
Thank you for so eloquently sharing your story and shining your light on us.
Hugs and smiles
What an amazing beautiful(in soul) lady.
To know that there are Angels like Jaqui out there quietly spreading her love and warmth rekindles our faith.
You just feel like you want to give her a big hug.
Thank you for so eloquently sharing your story and shining your light on us.
Hugs and smiles
AURELIA wrote: Kylierose, What a touching story. Thanks for sharing it with us. Your hospital buddy must have been drawn to your room by your truly warm spirit and your smile convinced her that she was right "she had a friend in you." I'm sure the sparkly ring is a beautiful reminder that friends can be found everywhere and even where we least expect to find one! May you smile often. ~Aurelia
Samsonmybf wrote: What a great story! It just goes to show you, material things aren't what's important. Her ring was not as important to her as the time and friendship you showed her those 2 days...
Keep smiling! :)
Keep smiling! :)
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: Thanks for sharing your story. This is a great reminder that you never know how the simplest of things will touch someone!
brighteyes wrote: are an inspiration to us all....we love your stories and insights so keep sharing... and agree with you whole my story, "Reason, Season, Lifetime" which is about people who are in your life...time is not the most important factor...sometimes just a glance into another eyes can have an impact for the rest of your life....I had such an experience from a total stranger....
Smiles from Brighteyes ;)
Smiles from Brighteyes ;)
imaniceperson wrote: That's awesome. It's amazing how much impact an unexpected gift can have on you. Thanks for sharing.
pacots wrote: Incredible lady she was just happy with your friendship the material thing did not even matter.
lovebug wrote: It is amazing to see how little material things really mean to the average person, I would guess that I probably have been blessed, I meet people who have very little material things in their lives, but share from their hearts, the karma they have accumilated over time would pay off the national debt in l day.Thank you for sharing your human angel, they do walk and we are unaware.
jan2008 wrote: What a beautiful story. You made a true friend and received a cherished gift as well.