Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Attentive Listening

--by snowyegret7, posted Dec 1, 2014
Yesterday while out birdwatching, I ran into a person who I perceive to be not terribly friendly toward me. I greeted him and asked a question about a bird he had seen.

I listened to his response & answered - he then went on to tell me an anecdote about something that had happened to him in the past. I listened attentively and when he was done gave him my reaction to his story.

I can have a hard time with this since I always seem to be thinking about how I'm going to respond or I jump in and say something before the person is finished.

As we went our separate ways, he said "It was nice seeing you"... I continue to recognize how these kindness practices bring change to my life...
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Readers Comments

debbe530 wrote: NIcely done. Yes, i seems we are always waiting for that chance to jump in and give a response or share our story.
Mish wrote: Excellent.
vitalreiki wrote: Fantastic!
jomartin87112 wrote: it was difficult for you but you did it! I am proud of you!
wavingatyou wrote: Well done!
mindyjourney wrote: Birds are good connection to a deeper listening :)). Thank you for your attentive heart.
aubrey wrote: It sounds like a lovely and peaceful day. You probably turned that person's day around completely by being nice to them. I would love to have courage like that
sandyremillard wrote: Good listener=good friend

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