Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Instant Karma & Blessings!

--by chocobella, posted Mar 7, 2015
I was really broke. I had only $10 and didn't have time to eat breakfast or pack my own lunch that day. As I drove my son to school, I noticed a man walking up the road. I'd seen him before - elderly, worn, dressed in whatever rags he could find and leaning on a piece of a branch as a walking stick. Usually I'd always pack 2 sandwiches in case I saw him or anyone else in need. I also noticed a lady selling fresh fruit cups ($5) & fruit bowls ($7) on the roadside. I prayed I'd see him when I came back in that direction to go to work.

I did, and he was sitting on the bus stop bench right next to the fruit vendor! I pulled over, purchased a bowl of fruit for $7, told her to keep the change and immediately turned to give the fruit to the man. He said "thank you daughter" and I replied "you're welcome, God bless you." As I jumped back into my car to rush to work, the vendor said "miss, wait!" then gave me a free fruit bowl! I know she had it hard financially so I said, "no, it's ok, you should sell it." But she refused and insisted I take it
I WAS SO GRATEFUL! Here was breakfast! When I got to work I took a different entrance that I don't usually use, which passed my
favorite store, so I paused to say good morning to the ladies working there. The ATM was right there, and as I passed, I almost stepped on a $10 bill laying on the ground! I looked around but there was no one who just used the ATM.  I asked the girls in the store if they may have dropped it and they said no, and told me it was a blessing so take it. 

Later, during lunchtime, a coworker said she'd brought too much food and offered me half.  Another coworker had the same 'problem' so we had a huge feast!  

You get what you give, and blessings come just when you need it.
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Readers Comments

jcdery wrote: Wow! Awesome!
Mish wrote: Wow!! BIGtime good karma for you my friend!! Loved reading this. ((HUGS)). You have a KIND heart..
brindlegirl wrote: I just love this post. Thank you so very much for sharing with us all and reminding us all again that blessing do make a full circle and always come back to us xox
jomartin87112 wrote: I'm with brindlegirl - I love this! Thank you for reminding us that it's a circle, not a one-way street!
nepalcancerfound wrote: When you understand the need of others and give away what you have GOD gives you in double folds.Your Acts of Kindness paid you off.
Dobby wrote: It's said God can never be out done in generosity, so being stingy with Him is really stupid. He really gave you a fun day, a shower of kindness!
kperrine wrote: Your heart is huge, but your karma gifts will be many
chocobella wrote: Thank you for the comments and good wishes!
marie97 wrote: Money was never meant to sit still, but always to move, to help human transactions. Invest in community not in banks : )
Yes - keep those bucks circulating - well done
wavingatyou wrote: Kindness boomerang :)

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