Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Not All Skateboarders Are Hooligans!

--by eyemknowsyko, posted Aug 5, 2007

Last week I went with my boyfriend to visit the first town that he lived in -- a very small town along the Oregon Coast, when he moved from Korea to United States as a child.

We went to the skate park that he had helped the city build as a teenager.

While we were there, there was a 10 years old boy who really took a liking to my boyfriend. For some reason, they just got along.  Maybe because he was older and skating, it gave the kid someone to look up to.

After they rolled around on the crappy cement for an hour or so, we were getting ready to leave. My boyfriend noticed that this boy's skateboard was in very bad shape.  So as we said our goodbye he handed the kid his skateboard, which was pretty much brand new and expensive. 

With that childlike awe, the 10-year-old just stood there and asked "Can I try it?"

And then my boyfriend replied, "Here, keep it.  It's yours."

He just stood there, stunned, his mouth wide open. "Really ... REALLY?!?  Thanks dude!!"

The smile on that kids face was awesome. When he went home with that board, I bet his parents probably thought he stole it.

But I know he will remember that for the rest of his life, and maybe when he gets older he will pass it along and do the same thing for someone else.

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Readers Comments

pacots wrote: Great story,that was a wonderful thing your boyfriend did,I am sure he made that kids day.
brighteyes wrote: Eyes....I love your story and your boyfriend's generosity! Hey, my husband has a skateboard and used to use it all the time...occasionally he still rides it to work (we're a mile away).
I agree, the gift will be remembered my the little one his whole life and hopefully he will pay it forward.
Smiles from Brighteyes ;)
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: What a great way to leave an impression on a little boy that I'm sure will last a lifetime! Thanks for sharing!
monkeyinpajamas wrote: i really loved this story.
one of the best I have ever read.
I noticed lately that a lot of people who we label 'hooligans' or 'loafers' actually have really amazing hearts.
Suzie wrote: That was a true act of kindness. It made a difference.
speedi wrote: What a wonderfully thoughtful boyfriend you have,,,he made a difference in the life of a child,,God Bless
upwiththesun wrote: I'm sharing your story with my skateboarding boys...they are good kids, not hooligans (well, most of the time) and they often take the opportunity to share. Maybe I can get one of them to share a story with me!
JuneBug wrote: Your boyfriend has a great heart! A keeper!
lovebug wrote: I have to agree with Junebug, your boy friend is definetly a keeper. Enjoy the rest of your life.
jan2008 wrote: That was so giving and so kind of your boyfriend. I am sure that little boy will always remember that very special day.

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