Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Raisinettes With My Daughter

--by omtaratutare, posted Aug 4, 2007
At the local Automated Teller Machine (ATM) in my city center, one thing's for sure -- I will find a young anxious teen fundraising.

It's the hub for school teams and local organizations.  At anytime day or night, you can find children of all ages, selling processed nuts, candy, cookies or popcorn.  It's not so easy to sell those to ATM clients, and I feel their uneasiness as they look at you with big pleading eyes.  Everyone dodges eye contact with the kids and that only makes it worse.

Today was no exception.  My heart began to skip a beat or two, as I approached the ATM.   It was getting dark and the young boy had a box half filled with chocolate covered raisins. I asked him, "How much for each box of raisinettes?"  He said, "Two dollars".  I said, “I'll tell you what.  I will buy the rest of the box, if you will go put them on each car in the parking lot!”  With a giant smile he said, "No problem, M'aam!"

I almost started to giggle, thinking of the reactions of the people getting in their cars and wondering why there were raisinettes on their windshields!

Last week, I was at this ATM again.  This time, three teens were selling nuts.  I assumed all the teens selling nuts were together, so I told the boy I would by eight cans of nuts but he had to put them on the car windshields.  He was so excited he quickly ran off with a happy glee. I turned to the other teens inquiring if they were all together. They shook their head no. I did not feel right telling them that I couldn't help them, so I offered them 4 cans each and made them promise they would pay it forward.

My young daughter -- in her loud voice -- starts to yell, “MOM, MOM why are we giving them money to put nuts on cars?”  I try to explain and she gets louder, “MOM they are not putting the nuts on the cars.” I show her that the nuts sitting on each and every car. Then she yells again, “MOM, MOM, why do they get something and we get nothing?”

The great injustice and the age old question.   I soothe her anxious and inquiring mind, and say, "Honey, you will see many returns for our willingness to help.  And really, we don't need anything in return -- there's so much joy in bring smiles to others."   She sat there for a moment and then yelled one last time, “MOM, MOM, why do they have to sell nuts?”

For that question, I didn't have an answer for my daughter.  But until I come upon a solution, I'm not sitting still.  Don't be surprised if  you find an unusual snack on your windshield. :)
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Readers Comments

ozy wrote: Mom mom
Haha that was the best part
smoothsugardoll wrote: What a cool idea. Tell your daughter I hope she gets a wonderful blessing for being such a sweet girl.
akbj wrote: Now I want to do that too! What a way to make a kids day.
jacqueline wrote: What an awesome story! You have just inspired me to do the same next time I see fundraisers in the street!
Sarah wrote: nice story!!
Sumeet wrote: The story teaches us a really good moral that one can indeed make his/her contribution in a small way and if everyone learns or cultivates this attitude the world would be a better place.We really require people like u.Thanks!
Lezah wrote: What a good idea! In my city, there are many children who seld sweetcakes and they are always shunned by members of the public. The next child I see with these, I will offer to buy the whole box! It will make their little hearts skip with happiness and then they can go home knowing they have money for some kind of food.
You are very special!
Santosh wrote: This attitude is very much required if we are going to survive the 21st century.
iobabm wrote: Keep up the baeutiful work and thanks for spreading the word!
raqui wrote: I love this story I myself would be wondering if i found a can of nuts or chocolate on my windshield. Though being a scared New Yorker i wouldnt eat them because i would worry about where they came from LOL I would think someone is trying to posion me. LOL

Still i love the story and keep up the great work!

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