Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Celebration With a Cause

--by purplecola, posted Dec 18, 2014
On Thursday, 24 October, 2014 my friend Michelle will turned 40 years old. Her version of a celebration? Asking for donations of warm socks, hats. gloves, etc. and books. Why?

Because she, along with friends (including me!) and family, traveledl to Cleveland OH where her daughter attends school at CSU. There we all met up and distributed the items to homeless folks near campus and the books, etc. to children in homeless shelters.

I am so blessed to have been a part of this birthday "celebration" and look forward to helping many more times, in many more ways!
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Readers Comments

pritipt wrote: What a wonderful way to celebrate a birthday by serving others .
kperrine wrote: awesome!
Wolfskin2000 wrote: Wow! What a great idea! Perhaps I will see if I can use this idea for coming Christmas, asking for donations to good causes/ gifts for others instead myself!
debbe530 wrote: Terrific way to celebrate. Have a wonderful day then.
BlissForgive wrote: Great way to celebrate
jsmc10 wrote: That's such an awesome way to celebrate her birthday :)
starryskies wrote: So wonderful!! I really love this. Have fun! <3
glinda wrote: Beautiful! Thank you for that!

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