Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Dinner, With A Side Of Self-care

--by OllyOxenFree, posted Mar 12, 2015
Today I kept a promise and had lunch with a friend I had not seen in a while. I was extremely tired from school, work, and my 5 hour art lab I had just come from and I really wanted to go home after a long day. But I kept my promise to not upset my friend this evening.

As it turned out, we had such a good time that I stayed longer than I had planned and really saw how much the occasion meant to my friend. We  caught up on months worth of news, and it felt like we had never had such a long break.

I really wanted to go home and hide under the covers today. But in keeping my promise and going to meet with a friend, I not only was kind to another person, but was also kind to myself.

I got some much needed self-care out of the occasion and was able to make the day of another person -someone who had been just as busy and still kept their promise to have dinner with me.

Peace and Good Vibes
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Readers Comments

debbe530 wrote: Way to go. I too find that when I feel like retreating that time spent with a friend can be rejuvenating.
Mish wrote: Sometimes when we push ourselves we are joyfully rewarded.
jomartin87112 wrote: Bravo for you! Excellent!
Paintslinger wrote: Devotion is a great quality. Keep it up and have a beautiful day!
cabbage wrote: That is a great story--thanks for sharing! It's always good to spend time with friends.
iman wrote: True meeting with friends always give pleasure

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