Stories of Kindness from Around the World

From One Dog to Another

--by brighteyes, posted Aug 14, 2007

My dear friend has 2 little maltese gal dogs. She got the first adorable one a few years ago and added the second for company.

For the dogs, it was "love at first sight" ... they play together, sleep together, and share everything!

Soon after, the first little angel went in for tooth surgery. It went well.   She had been wrapped with a heated towel and brought her home.  Nothing unusual.

Next day, when they had company over at their house, the second dog would not stop barking and tugging.  They tried their best to get her to stop barking, but she wouldn't stop creating a major scene!

Then, my friend got up and started to follow her dog.  They went to the master bedroom and to the bed -- no dog!  So she bends down to peak under and there is her first beloved dog shivering, whimpering and curled in a ball in the center ... unreachable!

Immediately, she calls out to her hubby for help.  He can't reach the dog either. Ultimately, they pull off the mattress and the bedding to lift her out . Her  stomach is one big red , raw sore ... they rush her to the Animal Hospital for immediate treatment and find out she has some 2nd & 3rd degree burns!

The dog healed over time, but what was interesting to note was that once they had lifted her from under the bed, her second dog quit barking and went to sniff and comfort her best buddy!  She had been frantic to get her owner's attention and assist her best friend.  Simply amazing!

What a wonderful act of kindness, love and persistence from one dog to another!






1920 Reads

Readers Comments

JuneBug wrote: Now that's love!
sarah wrote: nice -cute story
AURELIA wrote: Brighteyes, Incredible how the dog found help for its friend. That poor doggie with the burns! I hope all is well today and that someone learned a lesson from that experience. I love my little pooch and feel she (a papillon) understands far more than she can convey. A Happy ending thanks to a smarty pants pup!~Aurelia

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