Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Spontaneous kindness brought me happiness

--by Naazie, posted Mar 13, 2015
In the parking lot yesterday, a man asked me for money to buy some food. Since I didn't have any cash on me, I made a spontaneous decision. I asked him to come into the supermarket with me so that I could buy him some food.

We walked through the store together and even though I offered him to buy whatever he wanted, he only took what he needed for an evening meal. As it was around lunch time, I also bought him a meal and something to drink.

 It was a humbling experience and when we left the store, he was so grateful - warmed my heart as I myself had been having a very off weekend and this had made me feel better :)
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Readers Comments

mdunn1 wrote: So lovely how you listened with your heart and responded in such a kind, caring, generous way! You took care of this fellow's immediate need and let him know you really saw him and heard him.
heartofflesh wrote: Wp
heartofflesh wrote: Wonderful !
mindyjourney wrote: In giving we receive. Thank you!
unknown wrote: Lovely!
jomartin87112 wrote: Bless your heart!
spiritchild wrote: I agree with all the comments but really think mdunn1 said it all!
iman wrote: Beautiful indeed dear.
sandyremillar wrote: Blessings will pour upon you for this kindness.

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