Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Lo(o)se Change

--by guin, posted Aug 14, 2007

Last week, I was out at the beach with my friend and her sister.

We had a great time wading right into the ocean, going on the merry-go-rounds, shooting water balloons and eating popcorn and cotton candy.   It was like being back in one of our high school carnivals!

That was when I saw two little boys in grubby shirts. They didn't have shoes on and their hair looked totally dishevelled.  Most likely they were popcorn of candy vendors, but one can't be sure.

I saw them emptying their pockets, looking at some food stalls, starting to count the spare change in their pockets.

Something about this scene really went straight to my heart.  Just across the beach is this really big mall where people spend thousands of rupees buying branded goods.  Man, the inequality in the world is enormous.

I didn't want to offend the small boys by handing them money.  So I walked near them and just dropped a five ruppee coin into the sand, and walked away casually.

After a couple of minutes I saw them find the shiny coin and they seemed real happy to buy a bag of roasted peanuts to eat.

It takes so little to make children happy.

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Readers Comments

AURELIA wrote: Guin, Good for you! You had fun and then you were able to share your good fortune with the children.:) ~Aurelia
Suzie wrote: Sharing anynomously gave you a sparkling star in your crown!
pacots wrote: You had a great time & also spread cheer to those boys very special of you to make them so happy.
meera wrote: Nice Attitude
tenderheart wrote: so sweet. you are outstading. Continue making people's day. May God bless and continue listening to your heart. :) Thanks for sharing. I am glad you made their day and you were definitely their miracle.:D
brighteyes wrote: A WONDERFUL STORY & RAOK! KUDO'S
jaya wrote: So nice of you dear.. you are a superstar. You made their day.. God Bless You Dear. Although it would mean nothing to lose a five rupee but for them the pleasure to see the coin would be incredible.
speedi wrote: That was so nice of you what a wonderful way to end your fun filled day..Bless you
omtaratutare wrote: :-) peace to you!
Isaiah wrote: You did the perfect thing by giving an helping hand unnoticed.Keep the good job on...I love you.

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