Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Soda Kindness Commando..

--by Lover3, posted Mar 15, 2015
This was actually a few days back.  But I got the biggest thrill out of posting a RAK on the soda machine at my work.  Who wouldn't like a free soda or water?  

It was fun being sneaky to not "get caught" and even more fun imagining the person finding it.  Was it the cleaning lady?  Was it the grumpy guy down the hall? I enjoyed daydreaming about the mysterious recipient!

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Readers Comments

Mish wrote: Sparkly kindness! :))
kperrine wrote: so sweet of you
jomartin87112 wrote: How lovely of you! And what fun imagining who got it and their reaction!
cj wrote: Wow, that was a great idea! I may have to borrow that one!
cj wrote: Wow, that was a great idea! I kay have to borrow that one!

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