Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Kindness From Spain!

--by m21d25, posted Dec 19, 2014
Printed out my first batch of Spanish Smile cards in Spain this week. I gave out many of the cards over the past year while living in NYC, and now that I am in Spain teaching English for the year, decided to continue spreading the love!

The first card I actually privileged a friend to give out, who  put it in the pocket of an article of clothing at a popular local department store. We wont know if or when this one gets discovered!

The next card, I left today in the coffee machine of our break room. We recently got a new fancy automatic coffee machine that all the teachers love. I dont drink coffee, but I thought, "what better than to leave 60 centimos with a smile card on the coffee machine in the morning for someone else to discover?"

So, I did, and later on I checked and it was gone.. I have no clue who got it and who had a free coffee today, but I plan on spreading lots more love and kindness around my school in Southern Spain!
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Readers Comments

Mish wrote: Enjoy Spain & all the kindness opportunities you create there!! Ole!!
jomartin87112 wrote: Sounds like you are having great fun! Good for you!
petroskryf wrote: What a wonderful idea to spread kindness in another country! Because kindness has no language boundaries to overcome.
sandyremillard wrote: Estupendo! Gracias por ser tan generosa.

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