Stories of Kindness from Around the World

The Day Star Trek Came Alive

--by snowflake66, posted Aug 20, 2007
When I was about five or so my favorite television show was Star Trek. Dr. Spock was clearly my favorite character and I listened to his advice with great seriousness. When I found out that  he was going to be signing autographs at TSS, I begged my mother to take me.

To continue this story, you have to understand a little about my chaotic childhood. With rampant abuse, television, movies, and books were my only escape. I delved into them and  found places, people, and situations  both like my own and not. It gave this little girl hope. It helped to save me from the messiness of growing up in a dysfunctional household.

So I hope you can imagine how important meeting "Spock" was to me. When the day came, I couldn't wait to get to the store! I dressed up in my favorite outfit, green of course, and waited, very impatiently, for my mother.

When we got there, my heart sunk a little at the huge line that had already formed. But my mother knew what this meant and so we waited. And waited. And waited.

Finally, I could see him! I kept trying to jump up to catch a glimpse, but my enthusiasm was trying to be contained by my mother. Then it was my turn. I went up close. The first thing Spock did was give me the Vulcan sign which I then tried to duplicate.

But I couldn't! I couldn't give the sign back and that devastated me! I began to cry uncontrollably. I felt I had let my hero down.

Well, Mr. Nimoy stopped in his tracks at the sight of my silent, but obvious tears. He knelt down and said "Don't worry, sweetheart. Some people on Vulcan can't do this either. It's okay." Then he hugged me until my tears stopped, signed me a special autograph with my name on it, and kissed my forehead.

Even though that picture got ruined in a flood, that small kindness, to stop and take the time to talk to a little girl and make her smile again, was something I've kept with me my whole life. The experience helped shape and mold me into who I am.

Now I take the time to stop and listen -- you never know who you are going to touch for a lifetime.

P.S. As an adult I wrote to Mr. Nimoy to thank him for his kindness and to tell him how important it was to me. He sent me a new autograph -- not in Spock attire, though :)
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Readers Comments

hurricanelaurie wrote: Hey Snowflake,

May you live long and prosper!

hurricane =O)
afriendlysmile wrote: Hi Snowflake
Awww nearly had me tears.
It shows how a little time and kindness can have a big effect on peoples lifes.

Love your story and your attitude to life.
Hugs and smiles
brighteyes wrote: Snowflake:

I love it. love it. love it.

Your story was wonderful and Mr Nimoy so kind too.

I also love Hurricane's comment...I am a "Trekky" the show so can relate.

Smiles to you, Brighteyes ;)
AURELIA wrote: Snowflake,
Thanks for sharing such a touching story with us! Spock/Nimoy did a wonderful thing for you not only a signature...but TIME, eventhough there was a long line waiting to see him, he didn't lose sight of you as a PERSON. I'm happy to hear that. Smile Snowflake! ~Aurelia
verny wrote: Thanks for the story. I remember when my mother died and telling her grand children that even though she is not here with us now, her loving memory will stay with them forever.A kind action from anyone can be remembered and cherished for a life time.
Lezah wrote: What a truly kind person to send you back as an adult. A really caring soul!
You made me cry when you sketched the picture of the little girl in sad circumstances. I wish you the very best, rewarding future you could ever have!
snowflake66 wrote: Thank you all for your beautiful and compassionate responses to my story. I am so touched by your outpouring of love and support. I've been sad today and was drawn to sign on and now I can see why. I am moved to tears. Thanking you just doesn't seem large enough to express how I feel. But thank you all -- truly -- just the same :)
lovebug wrote: I never was attracted to star wars, for me it was lost in space, especially, the robot, all he ever said was "warning, warning, warning". Today we live in a world that is consistley calling "warning, warning, warning". We are so stressed out from the warning, we have no strength for action. As I age I find that I probably have always believed in star wars, it is the force that protects you, it is not visiable, but it is there and it will protect you from the warnings and the fear.
JuneBug wrote: Oh! This is such a nice story! I am glad you took the time to write and thank him.What a wonderful memory!
jojomcb wrote: to me this story shared alot of things even though life isn't so great all the time there are good in people that show us glimpses of how good it CAN BE. for one you Mom knew how much it meant to you and stayed until you saw Mr. Nimoy. Mr, Nimoy saw how much seeing him meant to you without even knowing who you were gave you something special to remember forever, and may you know that it was okay not to be able to do things but the fact that you tried was enough. we all need to take the time to stop and listen.
thanks you for sharing this story.

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