Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Grateful For People That Enrich My Life

--by kmskd, posted Jan 7, 2015
Today I shared my time with my parents, a small repayment for all the time they took to nurture me.   I  showed people in my community that they were loved. I helped my children to embrace this day, and showed my husband how much I love him.

We do not have a lot, but we have love and with that, all is possible.

There is always a negative side, always the speed bumps that trip us up in "fulfilling" our lives. Yet each day we can look for the good, share what we can, make this place better for one, or many. I am grateful that I am surrounded by people that care. This is not the path I would have chosen, but I am grateful for those that share the journey with me.
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Readers Comments

starryskies wrote: Love makes life worth living! :)
godlovespatricia wrote: What a wonderful story. Thanks for sharing. Love is the answer and your story is all about love.
karenbowes wrote: This was our early days and they were the best! We re-visit them often through photograph albums. Like you shared we did not have money for the big ticket items but, 20 years later we still have the photos.
Thanks for reminding me good family fun.
butterfly4evr wrote: Such a wonderful expression of love and commitment. You and are blessed.

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