Readers Comments
Tigerlily wrote: Oh David... that is amazing.
The Lord doth move in mysterious ways!
Thank you for thinking to share this continuence of your story.
God bless you and all you do. Believe me, though you may not hear it often.... some of us are thankful for people like you and pray for you guys often. :)
The Lord doth move in mysterious ways!
Thank you for thinking to share this continuence of your story.
God bless you and all you do. Believe me, though you may not hear it often.... some of us are thankful for people like you and pray for you guys often. :)
JuneBug wrote: Keep up the good work,David! We need more people like you in the world!!!
irongrace wrote: this story really touched my heart
Margarita wrote: Reading this story makes me realize that there is NO such thing as coincidences. Everything MUST happen for a reason. God always knows when-why-where...
babynurse wrote: I always say everything happens for a reason, and God brings people into our lives at certain times, to meet a particular need. God just let you know that He is so great and awesome that He could at a later time, let the two of you meet. He is always in control!
rayan wrote: All the details of daily life have meaning .This means also that many a fact occuring in a different space would have a parallel counterpart/s in an other different part of the universe .In short , the world is worked as a text in which each word has got some thing to say.....thank you for sharing this fabulous experience..
Ode2Joy wrote: What a beautiful surprise. Thank you for sharing this beautiful coincidence.
Rajni wrote: Miracles happen their own way. Some take it for granted and someone like you always remember with grateful heart. Thanks for sharing this heart warming story.
mindyjourney wrote: Truly, was no accident you connected â¤ï¸. Thank you for your kind fund-raising and for being there to help support. Bless you.
Cherrie wrote: Yes, the world is small. And, we are all connected. Thank you for sharing this story of synchronicity.