Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Written in Dust

--by Denise68, posted Sep 1, 2007

I have a black car and I live off a dirt road in a rural area.  And you have no idea how frustrating it is to try to keep it clean!  In fact, I have given up and now I enjoy the dust.

On my car, I have 2 bumper stickers.  One says:  "Strive to be Extraordinary"  and the other says, "Caution I Break for Elves, Fairies, Gnomes, Leprechauns, Unicorns, Dragons & Other invisible creatures that only I can see."

While taking my Dad to the doctors in Baltimore, I sat in a lot of traffic.  Through my rear view mirror, I noticed a lady smiling in her car behind me.  In fact, not just smiling -- laughing!   Then she tapped her passenger and pointed at the bumper sticker on my car.  It was the passengers time to laugh. 

Since then, I noticed it happen a number of times.  And it's a great way to handle traffic.

So now, I'm taking advantage of the dirt on my car and creating my own temporary bumper stickers.  In the dust on my car, it now reads, "World Peace. Be Kind."

I will change it after car wash or after rain.  But it's my little contribution to cheer.

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Readers Comments

Thaata wrote: Thanks for telling that best can be found in worst, you made best use of the situation. That is great.
serveothers wrote: You have an amazing creative mind.
Marie wrote: Sometimes the smallest things can make someone's day. If we all remember to treat one another how we want to treated, it makes us realize how fortunate we really are. You never know what the person next to you has been through so remember compassion. God always has us in his favor, we just need to remember that all the time. Thanks Moni.xoxo
Sanjay wrote: ha ha ha was good fun reading this one! :))

irongrace those are real nice ideas - will try them out too

irongrace wrote: this is cool i live where there is snow part of the year so sometimes i leave a picture of a saying on a car or someone's front lawn. Ive also been known to make happy symbols on our front lawn for people to see. my motto is if you can make someone laugh or smile youve done your job. thankyou for your funny story you made me laugh you did your part.
smoothsugardoll wrote: Thanks for keeping the world laughing. We need more folks like you.
Fasiha wrote: Wonderful! Even dirt n dust can spread the smiles around :) all it needs is ur passion.. Thanx to share such a lovely idea.
lovebug wrote: Reading car tags, bumpersticker, and looking for what hangs on the rearview mirror, is my favorite pastime. I spotted an bumpersticker one day that said. One cross, three nails, forgiven. That worked for me,so simple, so true. I hope to see your car on my road someday, sounds like a winner to me.
aditya - stan wrote: lol, 1000 worth smiles to you. For makin such a big diff out of notthing.

Im still into my smiles..

Shirley wrote: What a great idea! I too live in a rural area, and that dust can drive you crazy. You've given me a great idea to turn a negative into a positive. Thanks!

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