Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Pizza Hut Smiles

--by Aurelia, posted Sep 5, 2007

Yesterday I wasn't going to be home for dinner, so I decided to get a small pizza for my daughter.

When I called to order the pizza, the phone rang at least 10 times before answered and then I was put on hold for about 2-3minutes before I could order.

Instead of getting mad I placed my order and jumped in the car to go pick up the Pizza. As I was driving I thought about how busy it must be at Pizza Hut because the phone rang so much and I had to wait so long to order. I started  feeling sorry for the girl who handled my order and decided I was going to MAKE HER DAY and give her a smile card with a $10 tip! The pizza only cost $3 so the tip was huge! It was busy when I got there and the girl was definitely stressed. WHen I handed her the Smile Card with Money she was shocked and then she read the card and the biggest SMILE came over her face and I walked away hearing her saying THANK YOU very Much!

I had the extra money because a friend was having me over for dinner, so I it forward!    :)

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Readers Comments

Sisip wrote: This is almost the best story I have heard. You are truly an angel to that girl and I'm sure every night she goes to bed thinking how wonderful you were to her!
pray4peace wrote: Loved it, what a beautiful thought to understand and acknowledge someone who is unable to attend you. So proud of your act and all smiles :)
AURELIA wrote: I am now working in Retail...boy do I know what it feels like to serve customers with a Smile..even though I want to be grumpy ... LOL .... then I have a customer who is so kind and smiley...and it makes the rest of my day seem so much easier. I wrote this story over 4 years ago...who would of thought, I'd be in her shoes! Smiles are Contagious. :0) ~Aurelia
LucyStar wrote: A very sweet story! I'm sure she was very happy that you noticed her effort instead of her shortcomings!
bookworm58 wrote: thanks for sharing this special story. we tend to forget about the people who work to serve us and they have stressful days just like we do.
princessliz wrote: aww, that's nice. What's better than having a hectic day and a customer treat you so nice? :)
RMB333 wrote: Wonderful! You gave many smiles to many people...Aurelia. Thank you & Bless You!
heartofflesh wrote: Amazing Aurelia!
Thank you for being so considerate to the pizza girl and she could have been my sister or even my daughter! What if she had brought the smile card home and shown me and that would have my day! Your thoughtfulness understanding warmth and the playfulness,alongwith the 10$ tip might have delighted her heart and the other customers might have been recipient of her kindness!
One never knows...
rosie508 wrote: this is a great reminder to be kind even when stressed! good idea!
liztree wrote: This is a great story!

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