Stories of Kindness from Around the World

1:30AM at the Grocery Store

--by davemurphy, posted Sep 8, 2007
I'm in line getting some groceries at the 24-hour grocery up the road from me.

The woman in front of me looks to be about 72 years old, and very much reminds me so much my grandmother!  Her bill was about 170 , she halls out a stack of $5.00 bills and is about 22.00 short.  She starts trying to decide what she doesn't need and starts putting things back in her cart. 

I felt so bad for this woman that I gave the cashier 25.00 and told the lady not to worry about it.  She wanted my name, address, phone # to pay me back but I wanted nothing to do with it.  I just told her that the next time she's in a restaurant, or coffeeshop, perhaps she can pay for someone's order behind her and just to pass it along.

She got all teary eyed and wanted to give me a hug, so I said "why not". :)  It was a great hug, as if I was hugging my own grandmother.

This just made my day.  And it also made me wonder why there was a 70 year old woman at the grocery store at 1:30am in the morning.
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Readers Comments

jojomcb wrote: MY FIRST THOUGHT WAS THE SAME AS CINDY. THat maybe this grandmom was an angel in disguise. either way you blessed her and touched her heart
God bless you.....
Sharon wrote: What a wonderful thing for you to do! You will be richly blessed! I too think thats a bit late to be out for anyone, but elderly woman. But I hope that she came with someone; or could be that maybe she likes not fighting the daytime crowd.
denim1951 wrote: That was the sweetest thing for you do to. The Elderly always need our love and assistance. It is a blessing to help others. It is true that we just need to pass it to others as well.You are indeed a special person. Thank you for your story
anastasia wrote: What a wonderful thing to do.There is goodness in this world.You were her angel looking out for her.Keep up your kindness and may your angel look after you.
jan 1625 wrote: Deeds like that usually get passed on in real good ways. God will bless you for your kindness to others !!!
Flowers wrote: Wonderful. Good on you.
ProV wrote: What a great thing to do -- we never know how much of an impact the things we do the what we say would have on others...
grace and peace be with you!
senga988 wrote: God's blessings to you for helping this old lady
Ivy wrote: What a great story...and a nice thing to do. I bet your offer to help meant more than the actual money spent!! I wonder where her family or children were. You will never know how much you impacted her. She may have been purchasing groceries for someone else who can't get out or caring for someone that is ill or dying. Seniors have such limited resources sometimes....good for you!
cindy wrote: maybe she was an angel, or Jesus in disguise.

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