Stories of Kindness from Around the World

The Hug!

--by tenderheart, posted Sep 21, 2007

It's wonderous what a hug can do.

A hug can cheer you when you're blue.

A hug can say, "I love you so,"

Or, "Gee, I hate to see you go."

A hug is, "Welcome back again."

And, "Great to see you! Where've you been?"

A hug can soothe a small childs pain,

and bring a rainbow after rain.

The hug! There's just no doubt about it-

we scarcely could survive without it!

A hug delights and warms and charms.

It must be why God gave us arms.

A hug can break the language barrier,

and make your travels so much merrier.

No need to fret about your store of 'em,

the more you give, the more there's more of 'em.

So stretch those arms without delay

and give someone a hug today!

-Author Unknown-

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Readers Comments

kylierose16 wrote: That is just gorgeous.. I myself am a real 'touchy-feel'y person, I just love giving hugs- and even more, recieving them ! hugs say so much, a simply hug from a special some one can make my day ! they are the one thing that truely connects two peoples hearts. thank you for sharing-- big HUGS to you ! o0o0o0o
brighteyes wrote: TH:

I am a hugger and a huggeer fan....
love giving hugs and receiving them as well. Agree with Kylie, its does truly connect two people heart to heart if given with 2 arms and as a full frontal.
Our heart energy is exchanged body to body.....

Thanks for sharing...I immediately copied into my Keeper file to read again and share with others...sharing the Hug poem is not as wonderful as a hug itself but still a good gift to share.

HUGS & Smiles, Brighteyes ;)
lovebug wrote: I not only have smile cards on the counter of my little shop, I have my own cards, I need a hug. I encourage everyone to take a card with them. We all have arms and I encourage people to open them. But then I have been blessed, I have a friend who only has one arm, and he can hold more people than I can with two.
Rajee Seetharam wrote: I love this poem...its a warmth-spreader...this poem!!!
sandy wrote: it was a wonderful story thanks for sharing with us
Shirley wrote: FABULOUS! I think I'll give someone a hug today!
Tammy wrote: I have been looking for a copy of this poem for years. As a teenager, i had a poster on my wall with this poem that i purchased at a hallmark store. I read it so much i had memorized it. Years later i would recite this poem to my children. The baby is now 18 years old and ready to graduate, but on occasion will still ask me to recite this poem to her. It still provokes happy memories when i say this out loud. I will be looking for a copy of that poster. It will be a warm addition to my daughters dorm room- regardless of how she decides to decorate, at the very least it will even be a comfort if tacked to a closet wall.

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